
Hey everyone i have joined the dark side of the force. Well today im going to hang out with my dad and stuff. So yeah theres nothin much to say but BEWARE THE FLASH MONSTERS. Don't underestimate the power of the dark side
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col picture on the left
the dark side sucks.
Well I think there's something else going on. Why would he just threaten to kill you just because you sided with his ex-gf? I think there is something more than that.
I do have a computer at home. It's new because I downloaded a bunch of virus or something on our old computer and we had to get a new one. So I don't have AIM or anything yet, but one of these days my parents better get it! Anywho, you can tell me now, can't you? I know it is more difficult but it's better than nothing.
so do u like starwars or do you really really really like starwars??
Sorry, I'm in summer school right now. Taking computer literacy. :( And we can't download anything on here, or else I would. And there is no MSN anything. I'm surprised I even get on this site. Everything is blocked.
oh ok lol i was j/k by the way

do u really like starwars that much and are you really 15 cuz i dunno any other 15 yr old that likes starwars that much lol (not that there is anythign wrong with that)
Are you sure it's just because she broke up with him? Maybe you guys started giving him greif without knowing and you could have pissed him off. He seems really nice and I can understand why he's mad but I'm sure someone had to have provoked him. People don't just threaten to kill people just for breakups. Plus, isn't she crazy too?!
Why would he threaten to kill her? What happened?
Are you serious or are you just exaggerating?
Well all that I know is that you were being really mean to him and I don't know if it was you or someone else who was his friend who said they didn't want to hang out with him anymore. That's mean. You're not supposed to turn on your friends like that. Or were you the one who took sides with his crazy ex?
your welcome
It does suck sharing a room.....and i play softball lol but baseball's cool too!!! ^_^
insidents....and they could happen to anyone........ lol dont male funna me
U can too get hit with a softball and lemme tell u it hurts!! I broke a bone in my hand from a sofball this year and dont get me started on how much a black eye hurts when its from a softball,.....
Awesome! Keep in touch man
you joined the dark side! you're more and more like me every day
I know, I heard you were being a jerk to him. Were you?
Star wars is sweet man. Thanks for the props
hahah ur funny if u think my brother(s) r cool lol!!! cause there not! they like star wars yes they cool no lol i have 5 bors and 1 sister i no wat cool is and they definatley r not lol
Well I did and I still do. I'm sorry that you don't like him. He is cool to me. Have a great day.
um...wow u and my brother should meet lol! he loves star warz! lol ^-^
What is a flash monster? Why do you want to become a monk? So i take it i should see the new star wars movies? Sorry about all the questions...i'm just curious though.
No he does not! You are just in denial. You know there's a place in your heart for being a kid. Don't deny.