[34] HELP!

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Ok, i want to make my backround a pic. I've tried to upload a pic then rename it and nothing happened. If you can help, leave me a comment!
Read 9 comments
ok i would help u but i might mess u up so i no a person who can help u but she isnt on right now but will b on tomorrow ok her diary is vollystarz3
tell her xxdancerxx said that its ok for her to help u out lol k leave a comment if u want!
yeah its the same as my diary "vollystarz3"
hey about ur backround, try renaming the pic my_background b4 u upload it then u wont have to change it. I dunno if it will work but it worked for me when i wanted a a pic 4 my comments and 4 the top left corner of my diary.....or u can find a site that gives em out 4 free and then copy and paste the code into images under preferences =D
srry no i dont
u shud ask my friend felicia...luvablelushh...she helped me with all of my stuff lol
When you save it you have to save it as my_background, you can't rename it or it won't work.

hey! yea that's a good idea. and maybe when we talk we can direct link and you can send me the background you want...then you can change ur password to something diff. so i can go in and put in the background for you...then when i'm done you change bak ur password. let me know if it's a good idea. bye!
well ur image tht u want as a background is prolly saved in ur pics right? So go to image manager, then upload, then browse, then find the pic u want as ur background and right click, go down to where it says rename, click on it and rename ur pic my_background then just click open, then upload and hopefully it should work =D
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