Go October halfterm!

Feeling: torn
I slept over at my mate Cat's last night.We actually got to sleep quite early, but It's amazing how tired I geton so much sleep. Like last Friday night, I slept for more than 12 hours, but on Saturday i was still exhausted. But we had fun. We watched the Spice Movie, which was hillarious. Especially as certain people knew all of the words! Going to see The Legend of Zorro on Monday. should be fun. I watched a behind the scenes thing on TV and it looked really good. Hopefully I'll see Andy tomorrow! He's this guy at my curch, and I really fancy him. I told him at my youth camp in August, and have hardly spoken to him since. And I haven't seen him for two weeks, which really sucks. When I see him though its just like, yey! even though he'll naver feel the same way about me. O well. I'll get over him soon
Read 6 comments
wow!!! sounds like fun!!!

dancing woz gr8 - i luv dancing!!
Hehe. last night was awesome. Catapillar fights. Have a good half term. Lots of luv becca xxxxxxx
*shushes you* I did NOT know all of the words, twas not me. And I also did not fall over and make a fool of myself in front of many people.

Plus, silleh photos are muchos cool. And I like your colours.
And Becca's right, catapillar fights are also coolsome.
You do not update often enough

:O you still haven't updated. tum ti tum...