Like sunshine after rain

Feeling: hopeful
I woke up this morning and smiled. It was great. Well, I woke up loads of times, cos it was a school morning and i kept swithing my alarm off for another five minutes. But when I finally realised that I had better get out of bed, otherwise I would never be awake in time for my biology test lesson one, I just smiled and got out of bed. Last night was good. I didn't do anything, I just talked to people on msn, and had a rather noce conversation with a certain young gentleman. Basically he said something that made me think that maybe something might happen between us. He was probably joking, but it made my feel confident and really hopeful about the future. And that made my have good dreams. I'm not sure exactly what was going on, but I was at school and Andy was there wearing character shoes, which was just a little wierd, but it made me laugh all of today. I wish life could always be like this. I mea, I got a bit depressed this afternoon, because I realised that nothing was ever ever going to happen. But now, when I'm feeling hopeful again, I don't really care what happens. All that really matters at the moment is that I'm happy. I keep felling at the moment that really little things matter. Like for example, my mum bought this microwave meal that looked really nice, and I wanted to eat it, and I thought that I would have an opportunity to some day when no-one could be bothered to cook. But then my mum took it to work for her lunch, and was really sad that I couldn't have it. And I keep having to tell myself that It really doesn't matter, and my life will go on if I don't eat it! Well thats all from me for now Ciaou!!!
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Hopefullness is great when you have it, but then you can never even imagine having it when it's gone.