
Well, I just re-read my last entry - man, was I in an awful awful mood! I guess it'd just been building up inside me for so long and I really needed to get it out! It did the trick tho... I felt so much better after that. There are so many things in life that I have to be grateful for. Although I have lost contact with some of my high school friends... there are some people who I do keep in touch with, and I treasure those friends more and more each day. ...and I have made the most amazing friends since leaving school! And I am a firm believer that you as long as you have one true friend in life you can survive anything. I got my results back from this semester - and I am glad to announce that I passed everything! HOORAAH! I was so happy. Now, I just have to sit back and wait to find out which major I get into - "please let it be television production... please please please..." Well at least I got decent mark in Journalism, and A- even though I thought that I'd completely cocked up my exam, and if I don't get into TV I'll hopefully make the journalism major. We'll see. OMG! The cutest thing happened at work today. I work in a cafe and I found out yesterday my co-worker Adam (one of the cooks) cut off the top of his finger - no, I promise you this isn't the 'cute' thing that happened. Anyway, I was talking to my boss about Adam cutting his finger... and randomly she was told me that Adam always asks her when I'm working! *blush* how cute is that?! Now, I don't like Adam that way and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me either. But, we do get on really well... we have really good conversations... and he likes to mock the crap out of me! It's great, I never take myself very seriously when I'm around him. He's a great friend. I think, if my work life was a movie, I'd end up with Adam at the end. We're very different people, but we seem to get on really well. He's a real sweetie.... but I'm not in a movie... and I don't like him that way. Promise. Someone I am increasingly coming to like though is a guy from University called Michael. He is the most genuine person I have ever meet. He is almost innocent in his honesty. It's hard to explain, but you can just see it in his eyes. Hmmmm... Kinda sad I might not see him until the beginning of next semester - february. Getting late... work tommorrow... need sleep. SMILE!
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That's more like it :)

Glad you're feeling better!