In Theory

Well, Adrian sent me the scholarship i had a feeling they was gonna send me, $5,000/year for four years, which is good news and all but... I have been alot of online alot...and there are some stuff i found out about Adrian that are less then appealing... 1.) it is a united methodist privet college 2.) 84% of the appilcants get accepted 3.) 55% applicants have a 3.0 or higher, 45% have a 2.0-2.99 4.) it is 3 hours and 30 minutes from here 5.) the tuiton cost is $18,630 6.) the required ACT score is 17-24 considering the above information i have deduced that it is the kind of college someone rich sends there kid because you don't need to be terribly smart to get it but you do need money... Upon further research i found a significantly more desirably option, Michigan State University because 1.) it is a public nondemoninational school 2.) 79% of applicants get accepted 3.) 96% of the applicants have a 3.0 or higher, 4% have a 2.00-2.99 4.) it is 2 hours, 20 minutes from here 5.) the tuiton cost is $6,999 6.) the required ACT score is 22-29 7.) it is also a law school Also, in regards to the name of my entry, considering a four year degree is required to become a lawyer anyway, looking at MSU's major options, i have decided i am going to get my degree in Philosphy, it has always been a very large interest of mine, as i know my friends aswell, probably one of the key reasons we all are friends, -nathan-
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you know all of those signs that are posted up, being all like "christmas is based of of christianity, Not not atheism or agnostism" you know, bashing atheism and the like, i wrote underneath "one must remember, christmas is actualy based of of Paganism

Merry Christmas (i did this becuase aparently atheists are not allowed to say that"

Patric Nuttall
The Half-Mad Poet"
they'll know its me lol
what concert have you been to?
lol, sounds like it was awsome :p