_-_8_-_ AHEM

Listening to: Jojo- Breezy
Feeling: torn
******ATENTION PEOPLE I HAVE SOME IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS****** 1) ONE FIRST THANK YOU VALERIA FOR MY BEAUTIFUL DIARY, SHE GETS COMPLIMENTS FOR ALL HER HARD WORK! I LOVE YOU VALERIA! 2) STEPH AND ME HAD WORLDS LONGEST FONE CALL ALMOST 12HOURS!!!! I ONLY GOT 5 HOURSE OF SLEEP! lol thoose are very important some other not as important ful events are: 1) Karla had me scared shit less cus she had a drunk guy at her house last nite and never came baq on line. HES A RAPEST! karla : ahh hes like all on me lmao karla : brb me:fuck my love be carefull dont make me hurt him karla: k lol karla: no not like that he was tryin to sit on me karla : wtf me: make him go hom now karla: y... me : hes danerous karla : jamie im not a slut karla:how?!? me : ok....but hes drunk karla: hes harmless especially now me : and a guy me: drunk+guy+gurl+nite=nuting good 2) i ate a thing of icing. 3)i did 3/4s of my math hw w/steph 4)MY ANKLET DIED 2months and 1 day! NOOOOOOOO RIP pink sea shell anklet :'( 5)no church 6) here comes another hurricane. and i think thats it for now :-) _-_jamie_-_ P.S. VALERIA ROCKS! ***EDIT*****8:13pm _-_things that i forgot or happened later in the day!_-_ 1)MARIANA ROCKS! 2)NO SCHOOL AGIN! SIX DAY WEEKEND! YAY! 3)I have to inform u on the future karla has predicted for me:u will marry someone form england...as hot as david beckham..u will live in the hamptons next to moi(in french) u will own a sucsesfull fashion store nd ur husband kills gabriel for bein an ass nd then u die old with me in a jacacuzzi cus we ovr heated. 4)My neighborhood had a mini bloq party and there was a super hot guy there(my neighbors cousin) an dit was his bday and hes 15 and he said hi and we were talking and he's like how old r u , 15? and im like wut ever u say and we started laughing and yea so i had to take a shower cus i saw wut time it was and gave him a hug good bye and he said "I'll hope fully c u around" WOW HOW GR8! mmmhhmmmmm i love my neighbor hood! _-_Jamie_-_ thats it for now hope fully! lol!
Read 6 comments
ah ur diary is so u!lol valeria knows u well! but u forgot one thing on ur entry: I ROCK 2! and as much as i wud like 2 sell him 4 a couple thousand dollars im not allowed 2 sry lol
WOOP WOOP! I ROCK? lol aww jamie np .... and and and i almost talked for 12 hours right? lmao! aww poor karla...=.( i hope nutin happened...I LOVE U JAMIE!
lmao! jamie aww i love ya! no i got him under control except wen i fell asleep i did an uh oh lol but i love u thanks for caring so much about me babe i guess ill cya soon!! :) woop woop!!!!!!!!! ya love ya adios
AWWWWWWWWWWWW HELL NAWWWWWWWW u kno if i still lived in cameron court i would of been all ovr that guy..or luis but besides that stop making me jealous that i evr had to move :-( wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..ilu haha
psssst hi jamie pssssst