
Listening to: Leave get out
Feeling: demonic
+ Known as: Jamie last time i checked + Gender: girl + Age: 13 + Lives in: Weston,Florida + Birthday: Agust 16 1991 + Shoe size: big + Hair color: dirty blonde + Eye color: brownish green + Style: jamie-ish + Fears: drops, asian murders,preps and sluts SECTION 2: HAVE YOU EVER... + Fallen off the bed?: once i think + Fallen for a relative?: he wasnt related at the time... + Broke someone's heart?: no? + Had your heart broken?: duh + Had a dream come true?: YEA i brought amanda soup + Done something you regret?: i dont reget nutin + Cheated on a test?: loads SECTION 3: CURRENTLY... + Wearing?:jeans a shirt, slippers + Listening to?: akon locked up + Reading?: was gossip girl + Located?: my seat? + Chatting with?: no1 ,am is on + Watching?: nothing + Should REALLY be doing?: nothing actually SECTION 4: DO YOU... + Brush your teeth?: if i remember, jp yea + Have any piercings?: ears 4 times each and belly button + Drive?: one day.... + Believe in Santa Claus?: lmao nopers + Drink?: all depends hu's home + Got a cellphone?:Yes!! + Got a pager?: wtf no. SECTION 5: FRIENDS... + Who is your best?: like 5ppl but if I list them they’ll think hu ever I pick first id my favorite. + Who do you hate?: no1 but hu hates me , hole nother story + Who is the shyest?: I duno I got loud mouth friends + Who is the most talkative?: ….. I duno. + Who is the cutest?: cute manda + Who laughs the most?:STEPH! + Who have you known the longest?: Amanda and steph + Who have you known the shortest?: andrea + Who do you miss the most?: mariana steph and valeria + Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: of course + Do you trust your friends?: depends… SECTION 6: THE LAST PERSON YOU... + IMed?:stephy? + Talked to on the phone?: andrea or valeria + Yelled at?: computer + Fell in love with?: Private SECTION 7: PERSONAL... + What do you want to be when you grow up?: a 8th grade us history teacher + Best day: hmm theres lots year would be 7th + Worst Day: day w/mr.strong + Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: sorta + What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: life + Did you lose someone you really loved?: no comment + How many times have you fallen deeply in love?: 1 + Love your family?: yes they are family when it comes down to it + Love your friends?: yes u dumbass there my friends. SECTION 8: FAVORITE... + Movies: PHANTOM OF THE OPRA! And chic flicks + Song: I should say southside + Group: none if I say a rock band ill be a poser O WAIT destinys child + Singers: eminem, beyonce, and more + Store: sirens + Relative:jack!! + Sport: cough cough brb I feel sick + Ice Cream Flavor: chocalate? + Fruit: PINAPPLE + Candy: flakes + Day of the Week: Friday nite! + Time: early morning + Color: pink!! + Name for a Girl: Paige and Ells + Name for a Boy: Tristen or some orginal name + Favorite spot for a date: SECTION 9: DO YOU... + Like to give hugs?: yep + Like to give kisses?: sure + Like to walk in the rain:Yea! + Prefer black or blue pens?: pink + Like to travel?: love it! Sleep on your side?: I dunt stalk myself + Think you're attractive?: no + Have a goldfish?: nope + Ever have the falling dream?: YES + Have stuffed animals?: of course im me! SECTION 10: THIS OR THAT... + Pierced nose or tongue?: tongue + Single or taken?: single + MTV or BET?: MTV + 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: 7th heaven + Sugar or salt?: sugar + Silver or gold?: silver + Chocolate or flowers?: flowers + Color or Black-and-white photos?: blaq and wite it gives edge + M&M's or Skittles?: Skittles + Stay up late or sleep in?: A mixture + Hot or cold?: hmmm? Hot and cold? + Sun or moon?: Moon no sun! Ahh I duno there both cool + Left or Right?: right + 10 Acquaintances or one best friend?: bf + Mustard or ketchup?: catsup + Spring or Fall?: Spring! + Happy or sad?: Only an emo kids gona put sad + Wonder or amazement?: wonder + McDonald's or Burger King?: sadly mcd’s + Mexican or Italian food?: hard both + Lights on or off?: off! + Candy or soda?: soda + Pepsi or Coke?: niether
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