I'm not affraid to die, but I am scared for whats after..

Listening to: Brand New
Feeling: appreciated
The past few hours have been filled with emotion for me. Out of curiosity, I googled C.S.I pictures (not the show) some interesting sites came up, including one with murder pictures from such cases as "Jack the ripper" and "The Black Dahlia" I then came across a picture from The Columbine shooting. This, for some reason hit me hard; not at first but as it sparked my interest I went to YouTube and looked up videos from it, it showed the security footage, from there I went to Wikipedia, where it had the life story of everyone involved. Things start to go through your mind at that point, what if it where me? What if someone close to me died like that? It sparks every morbid emotion in your body, it honestly makes you cherish what is in your life and who is in it as well. It made me want to run to every single person I know and say "Thank you for being apart of my life, it really has made a difference" Imagination running wild, I forced myself to close out of it and think of something more happy and more peaceful. It is horrible to think that something so bad has to happen for you to realize how good you actually have it. Thank you.
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Yes, I know what you mean.
I cannot stand to watch hollywood films that glorify that sort of thing and try to mold it into an entertainment.

Because it isn't something funny. It isn't something that should be reenacted for profit. It literally makes me cry.