I really am trying, for you.

Feeling: determined
I really am trying to discover my talent in dancing. I have been watching videos on it for the past four hours, and actually dancing by myself. I don't want to push her passion to the side, that would be selfish of me. I really am interested in learning, just the pressure behind it scares me sometimes. I don't know, when ever I think about it, it brings me down... It effects me way worse then it does her, I wish more then anything I could dance, I want to dance for her. I want to dance even more for me. I just don't think I will ever be good enough. The way she looked at me that night we went dancing...It hit me hard. She is my everything, and there is nothing more I want then to be able to dance with her. I've seen her dance, and it amazes me. She seems so content, so relaxed. It is hard to find time to take lessons though, I work and I go to school. It is forced to be put on pause, and I don't want that. I just wished I had a set schedule so I could learn, for her. I know you are reading this Lisa, and I want you to know, I really...REALLY do want to learn, and plan on it. I know it is on your mind honey, because it is on mine as well. You mean so much to me. [[Honestly, if I could have one wish in the world, it would not be for money, or even peace. I would wish for the ability to dance]]
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tear drops are covering my keyboard

im sorry
What type of dance are you speaking of?
Tee hee.
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