You think your name is pass the joint

Listening to: Dave Matthews
Feeling: needy
Well today was ok. This morning was awful actually. I had an appointment with the allergist at freaking 7 am to get a skin test done. If you don't know what that is it's basically 5 rounds of about 35 injections of different things that people are commonly allergic to. The needles get bigger with each round. They start on your back and then your right arm and then your left. Sooo I am pretty much a human pincushion... full of holes. But I did find out I'm not actually allergic to bees, just hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets. And hickory trees. How useless is that... no more barbecue for me... So for the next for years it's monthly allergy shots until I'm not allergic to insect stings anymore. Woohoo. But the good news is that I got to go to Starbucks beforehand and afterwards I came home and slept until Jessica called at like 12:30. So I went to her house and we hung out and I straightened her hair and we playeds scrabble and stuff. Then Mom called and said she was going to Goodwill so we went with her and shopped a little (even though it kind of made me feel dirty) and then we went to Mama Fu's. Mr Sims was working so he sent free curry rolls and potstickers and AMAZing brownies to our table. I love that guy. So then we dropped Jessica off in East Hampton for 3D (I didnt feel like goin) and then I came home and chilled for a little bit and went running in Hampton Lake. A little advice: Never run after piggin out on Asian food. Not fun. But I did it and then came back and showered and stuff. I just talked to Mom and we decided to cancel our New York plans for tomorrow cause the terrorists might target it or a jet or something and plus it's gonna be raining. Agghhh! I hate those terrorists. They ruin everything.. theyre so full of evil. I want to go over there and take em out. No really they make me feel like the world isnt safe... like I've done something wrong just by being born American. What kind of person does that? What kind of person kills innocent Londoners on the way to work? Well anyway instead I think we're going back to Mocksville. See ya. ♥Ann
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just wondering.. because I see browneyedgirl everywhere.. where does your name come from?
aww- that sucks that ur not going to ny anymore!! id be pissed! but- have fun w/e u do for the week! oo- and y cant u eat bbq anymore? luv ya! ~meg