u better read this

Name: Ann Single or Taken: Taken Sex: female Birthday: October 5th... thats right.. one week from now Sign: Libra Siblings: only child Hair color: brown Eye color: brown Height: 5'5 . : R E L A T I O N S H I P S : . Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: well yeah kinda What is your longest relationship?: about 2 months What was your shortest relationship?: a day? does that count? . : F A S H I O N | S T U F F : . Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: the mall.. abercrombie, ae, nordstrom Any tattoos or piercings: 2 in my ears Favorite brand?: ummm abercrombie or hollister i guess What is your sexiest outfit? um? What do you wear most the time?: jeans and a tshirt? .: S P E C I F I C S : . Do you do drugs?: no What kind of shampoo do you use?: suave What are you most scared of?: escalators. thats right. Who is the last person that called you?: meliss!! shes the coolest! What would you change about yourself?: i dont wanna be cocky but i cant really think of anything.. o wait.. my arms . : F A V O R I T E S : . Colors: turquoise Foods: pizza, pasta, and burritos baby Girls name: julianna, claire, uhh vanessa Boys name: ben? lol no i dono Favorite Subjects in school: spanish, lit, and usually history but not with edelstein Animals: dogs and horses . : H A V E | Y O U | E V E R : . Given anyone a bath?: yeahh the kids i babysit Smoked?: no Made yourself throw up?: no Skinny dipped?: no. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yes and it works Cried when someone died?: yes Lied: yes Fallen for your best friend?: well my best friends a girl but one of my closest friends Been rejected?: yes Rejected someone?: yes Used someone?: haven't we all at some point or another? Done something you regret?: yes . : C U R R E N T : . Clothes: jeans + t-shirt Annoyance: math. and edelstein. Smell: well my room smells like sweet pea but it always does so i dont notice it anymore DVD in player: ummm sadly idont think theres one in there right now . : L A S T | P E R S O N : . You touched: my mom Hugged: my mom You yelled at: i dont yell . : A R E | Y O U : . Understanding: i'd like to think so. Open minded: fairly. Insecure: not really. is that weird? Hungry: no... Smart: i guess you could say that Moody: sometimes. Hard working: haha not really Organized: where i need to be. Healthy: insanely Shy: yes but not with people i know Difficult: lets say more selfish than difficult Obsessed: sometimes. Angry: a little Sad: no Happy: yeah. you would be too if you were me. . : W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A : . Kill?: o gosh it wouldnt be polite for me to say Slap?: ooo lets see umm milan, edelstein, and well milan. . : W H O : . Makes you smile: well at the moment i gotta say ben . : D O | Y O U | E V E R : . Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to get on?: only sometimes. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: sick no Wish you were younger: never. . : N U M B E R : . Of scars on my body: a couple. . : Y O U R | T H O U G H T S : . I am: about to burst. I want: everything I hear: my computer running I hate: my tummyache I fear: the end
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