I Put On My Old Shoes

Listening to: Law and Order
Feeling: torn
26 days. I am going to make an effort to be a better friend. So friends, I will soon be better. Yes! My dad just got home. I don't know where he was. I really do love my dad. He says all these crazy things, but he's very accepting of the way I am. Even all my crazy eating habits; that's because he ate like dried soybeans on top of oatmeal and cookies when he was a vegetarian in college. WIERD. You know, you can tell if people are good by the way animals act around them. Well, animals like horses, dogs, cats. Rabbits don't really show any response. My sister's chases Pookie though. For the next 26 days, I will be working hardcore on these things in my riding: -Make sure I'm not behind the motion, especially on canter transitions -Get smoother canter transitions -Ride twice a week with no stirrups -Jump at least once a week -Solidify my jump position -Work more over cavaletti to get him to lift his hind legs up more -More lateral work -Make legnthening and shortening stride happen nearly automatically (esp. in trot) -Get Domino to stretch into the bridle -Perfect my braiding -Teach him some tricks (any suggestions anyone? Like bowing, counting, other things) -Keep Domino happy -Work on lead changes over jumps If I go to the barn 5-6 days a week, I should be able to improve all of these things. Next hunter show, I'm going to win everything. That's my goal anyways. I'm good enough to do it too. I won't be able to have any lessons until the end of the month though. ARG. I really like how A shows, despite having nicer jumps, better competition, being more organized, etc. only cost about $30 more than doing the same amount of classes at an unrated local show. Which dosen't even offer payback. I'm going to read all of Stephen King's books because I like them. The one I'm reading currently (Gerald's Game) isn't really that good. So yes. I think I'm going to look at another college next Friday. William and Mary maybe? I'm not sure. This is all. Wooah. ~~~~~~ To Hilary (because you have no diary to comment on): You should read Carrie, The Shining, Black House, and From a Buick 8. Those are all good King books. That's cool you used to ride :D
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i went thru a stephen king phase...i read books like carrie, cujo, and some others...it was strange...cause they were really gross and whatnot...but they were still good, u know?
Animals can tell if people are good b/c they can see Auras!
Only maybe, kinda sorta, not really.
But hey, you never know.

I got the exorcist, and even though I have already watched the movie numerous times, the book is still great.
I just know everything that is going to happen.
It's still quite good though.
I got it a few days ago and I'm almost done. :)

Take care!
I miss riding horses. ;_; Even though I was never really serious about it I loooved it. I've definitely never read a Stephen King book. *sad*
Are you happy now?
All we're doing this year are A shows, which is one big plus to being in a heavy duty show barn.
One of my friends taught her horse to touch a cone with his nose every time he heard the clicker--isn't that lame?! I can just see them now; trotting across the arena, and he hears a click, and makes a break for the nearest cone.
Doing gymnastics also really helps with the whole picking up the legs thing, and cross cantering around the ring without letting him break or switch. And for your seat in the saddle, I recommend spiral in circles at the canter. Matthew and I can almost pirouette now, but it took like...half a year. X_X
I am stunned that you braid! You are my hero! I'm terrible at it, but thats cause i don't practice...(is ashamed)