
Listening to: Chris McCord
Feeling: unworthy
Okay wow.. I am the most retarted person in the world.. if you all didn't already know that..lol.. but Tonight I went to Chris McCords b-day party, well I never really quit liking him after him and I broke up, but just kinda thought ohh well he wont ever like me agian.. Well I guess that I was wrong and he does like me... well he asked me out.. and I told him yes.. but right after I did.. I'm setting here.. like wow..I feel like I just totally led Dalton on.. which wasn't what I meant to do.. cause I really do like him.. but I don't know.. I'm just retarted I guess... And Matt Wright.. I don't know about him.. he's just weird.. lol.. gosh my phone is fucking up.. geeze.. lol.. well.. anyways.. But I had so much fun at his party at first I really didn't talk cause I didn't know very many people Shayla was there lol.. I knew her and her boyfriend and of Coarse Chris, but that was it.. lol.. anyways.. well.. lets see I don't know what else I've got to say.. ohh well I don't really want to tell Emily or Georgia about Chris cause I think that they would be mad of me because of Dalton.. I'm mad at myself though for that.. I would that they wouldn't be and be supportive.. but sometimes u just never know.. well I think that I am going to go.. L8ter ~Tara~ missed ya at school today.. I hope that everything is getting better..
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Hey Jess... Sorry about the whole Chris/Dalton thing.. but I think it should work itself out.. and Emily and Georgia should support your decision.. as long as you are happy ya know?! hehe Toodles!!
