daze happening

Well lets see. i went and got my nails done so now i have like a hot light dark pink and it is so awsome. i went to a photo shoot on yesterday for a magazine. now im afraid i wont tell u which one, so please dont ask me which one. that would be greatly appreciated. i will be going to six flags on thursday and then a sleep over at a friends house, that we all r excited about. this summer is going pretty well. im excited to see what it has in store for me. i cant wait to see my friends cuz i havent seen them in like forever and cant not wait to catch up. if any one really reads these long things thank u for caring. let me know that u read them and tell me what u think and then maybe we could become friends. well cant wait to here from all of ya. so i will talk to u l8er days. Me
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you no what i will push the fucking limits and ya she does she fuckin cant get me off her mind biotch
update.so whats up?
U no what I might be butt ugly but i no one thing u are a fucking slutt so dont be sayin things u cant back up u fuckin bitch
Sorry but ill ask her to do it for me i need to change my background to i've had the same thing on there for at lest a year
the only thing is my sister set up my diary and i dont know how to add friends my sister is in a different state to work
pretty much the same ..♥