wtf is a scurvy?
you can do alot with a popsicle.
blue popsicles? sorry. i've had blue on my mind this week. thank you for that.

margaritas are also an excellent protection against scurvy.
that's quite alright lol. and I might not be home when u call... i'm leaving in less than fifteen minutes, and i hav no idea when i'ma get home. call my cell if u feel like it, and lemme know if u'll b home all day so i can know if i can call u when i return... if not... then we'll work something out... like for tonight or sumthing...
well i just got home now... and it's midnight... y din u just call my cell lol? i had it with me and i answered both of the ppl who called me...
hey! i was just wondering if you might need any advice or anything of the sort, please check out my diary and i will get a reply back to you a.s.a.p!
well plz check it out!