8:05 pm

I'm trying to hold onto the conversations, the order that words go and how topics changed and flowed. I can't, I can't although I'm trying desperately. They're gone again. Like the smoke I am tired of craving. Maybe this is why I latch onto instant messanger as a substitute for vocal conversation. Copy. Paste. Remember. I'm violent when I press that skip button. Truly. I entertain myself with tragic circumstances. Car crashes, audio background drama. Tears shed. If I had the stamina, this is what I would write about. I could fill volumes and then lock them away, pass them on to my children. Eras of the past. The person's soul behind the face that feeds you and sends you to your room. All that jazz. No, I didn't know my parents were people for quite a few years. You would realize that you didn't either, if you thought about it.
Read 7 comments
i can delete comments cuz i'm nice like that...
it is not until one becomes a person, that one's parents are also recongized as people.

or until you get drunk with them. that works too.
that duznt look like it was made in paint...
oo... so i guess that means... you have skill?

i vote u bring the whole of that picture whenever u decide to come... if u decide to come of course...
LOVE your background picture.
not doing too much. mainly, i’ve been staying alive just to prove my cardiologist wrong. sorry if that sounds morbid. i’ll be back to normal in a few weeks.

i like rainy days.
what does the shirt say in the pic .. i'v been trying to read it for 5 min .. l0l comment baq
.. x3 .. LauRa MoniQu3