
I figured I should write a new entry since it's not my birthday anymore:-) Hmmmmm......What to write about though? We went shopping on Ebay a couple of weeks ago and the clothes came today. Instead of having two new shirts, I have four because my sister's didn't fit her:-( I also got a dress that my brother and sister say looks like a creamsicle (It kind of does, but it's still pretty). My dance clothes haven't come and it's making me mad. They were supposed to be here by Christmas, (Obviously, since they are a X-mas present) and it's almost February. Anyway, I have dance tonight, Yay! I love ballet class, not so much my other classes though. I mean, I like tap, jazz, and hip hop, but I just don't really like the class I'm in. Lol. We went ice skating on our pond yesterday and the day before. I suck at it, I fall a lot. The first day we went, as I was almost done and heading toward the beach, I slipped and fell right on my tail bone. I think I might've bruised it. Lol. Oh, well:-D I guess I should go do some school, I am so far behind it's not even funny. ~*~ ~*~ Bee ~*~ ~*~
Read 7 comments
Hey!i did everything you told me to wit the pics about how to save it,but after you save it into image manager, how do i get it to the entry?
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that this is my other diary i have! You have my other one (HeArTbReKa15).So I hope you could go check it out, lolz!
awwww, I can't say Happy Birthday no more, lol.
Leave me a message!~*~*
I read the message u sent me. If you want a kitty of your own diary, just double click mine.It'll take you to the website.They have alot there, so after you choose one, copy and paste the HTML code to the header info menu in preferences.
Just a little info so u won't get lost, lol :)
don't 4-get to send me a message! :)
O hey!
I have a question.
How do you add pictures in your entries?
please help!
By the way, this is Badgirl15....(read the last message!!)
hey i finally got the pictures thing but with a HTML code so that i didn't hae to be saving and uploading.thanxx 4 the rest though!
can u tell sum of ya friends to check out my diary? lol!
I have no one to talk to except you :)