
[ ]Gone to summer camp-no [ ]Refused to listen to a teacher -no [ ]Cried in public -yea,doesn't everyone [ ]Made a perverted snowman -no,i am only 11 [ ]Picked flowers from other people's lawns-no [ ]Been grounded-no [ ]Tripped on your feet-yes [ ]Checked under your bed before going sleep-no [ ]Played on a sports team-yes [ ]Spent all day on the computer-yes [ ]Worn black nail polish-no my mom will not let me..it sucks!! [ ]Forgotten a birthday of someone important-no [ ]Had a conversation with yourself-yes,doesn't everyone [ ]Fallen asleep at school-yea,in science class [ ]Lied to a doctor-no [ ]Been to a slumber party-yes..duh [ ]Had a pillow fight -yes [ ]Lied about your age-no [ ]Made fun of someone to fit in-yes [ ]Stood up for someone who was being bullied-yes [ ]Heard people talking badly about you- yes all the time [ ]Been called fat-yes [ ]Been called anorexic-no [ ]Fainted-no [ ]Worn an article of clothing without realising the tag was still on-no [ ]Kicked someone 5 years younger than you-no [ ]Cursed at a teacher-no [ ]Cried in front of a teacher-yes [ ]Cursed at a parent-no [ ]Done drugs-no,but i did sniff a marker [ ]Had sex-no,i am ONLY 11!!! [ ]Called the police-yes six times when i was 4 [ ]Made a prank call-yea,to my crushs house too!! [ ]Stolen something from a store-yea candy when i was 4 [ ]Said a racist comment and meant it-no [ ]Made yourself throw up-no [ ]Thought you were going crazy-yes....duh [ ]Lied to a teacher-no [ ]Wished you were dead -idk [ ]Tried to kill yourself-no i am not a mental case [ ]Given the finger to a complete stranger-no but my friend john did when we were in the car [ ]Been to a concert-no [ ]Hurt and animal on perpous-hit my dog on the head [ ]Broken something that was special to someone else because you were mad-no [ ]Cheated on a test-no [ ]Copied off of someone else's homework-yea [ ]Sworn at a little kid.....he was 9-no [ ]Driven while you were drunk-no,again only 11 [ ]Been in a car accident-well, mymom hit a deer while i was in the car [ ]Spit in someone's food-no [ ]Ran away from home-no [ ]Held a real gun-yes,when i was 4 my dad let me hold it to see how heavy it was!! [ ]Wished someone would die-maybe [ ]Been beaten upno [ ]Beat someone else up-no [ ]Wished someone would be raped-no never [ ]Wondered what the world has come to-yea [ ]Had a crush on a teacher -no [ ]Ate so much you got sick-yea [ ]Hurt yourself on purpose-feelings yes,physical,i do not remember [ ]Thrown a glass object so that it broke-no [ ]Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend-no [ ]Kissed someone you hardly knew-in a dream [ ]Smoked a cigarette-no [ ]Broken a bone-no [ ]Biten someone-yea [ ]Worn a mini skirt-no [ ]Made out with someone of the same sex-no,..eww [ ]Eaten dog/cat food-tasted a dog bone [ ]Stuck gum under a table=idk [ ]Written on a desk at school-yea [ ]Chewed on a pencil-yea [ ]Spit on someone-no [ ]Been spit on-no [ ]Driven over your lawn...on my fourwheeler-no [ ]Told your crush you liked them-yes [ ]Skipped class-no [ ]Written on a cubicle in a public bathroom-no [ ]Stayed up all night-yes 2:30 am [ ]Eaten a bag of cookies in a day-yea [ ]Been kicked out of a store -no [ ]Put dog/cat food in someone's food-no [ ]Refused to pay someone back after you promised you would-yea [ ]Read someone else's diary -no online yes [ ]Sworn at an animal-yea [ ]Tripped in public-yea [ ]Walked into a pole-yea [ ]Walked into a parked car-yea [ ]Stapled your finger-no [ ]Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt-no [ ]Found a bug in your cereal-no [ ]Been so lazy you wouldn't get up to go to the bathroom-no[ ]Fell off the bed-yea [ ]Peed your pants at school-no [ ]Watched porn-no eww again only 11 [ ]Almost drowned-yea [ ]Had a black eye-no [ ]Went rollerblading and crashed into a bush-yea [ ]Made fun of someone because they were fat-yea [ ]Snuck out of the house-no [ ]Dyed your hair -yea [ ]Cut your own hair no [ ]Been stung by a bee/wasp-no [ ]Climbed on a roof-no [ ]Worn gothic make-up-no [ ]Had a contact break in your eye-no [ ]Had food poisoning-no [ ]Had heat-stroke-no [ ]Bought an article of clothing and never wore it-i guess [ ]Cut yourself on a blade-shaving,yea [ ]Fallen on glass-no [ ]Worn an article of clothing that was lime green-yea [ ]Eaten a bug-no [ ]Eaten something that fell on the ground-yea [ ]Been to a shrink-yea [ ]Had surgery-no [ ]Needed braces -o but i am gonna [ ]Worn a bikini-yea [ ]Failed a test-yea [ ]Failed a class-no [ ]Been teacher's pet -no [ ]Been teacher's least favorite student-no [ ]Slow danced-yea with my dad [ ]Been afraid of the dark-no [ ]Seriously thought of hurting someone else-yea [ ]Had a cavity-yea [ ]Been in love-yea i am thnk i am now
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whhat?? did i comment you before?
well they gave me your screeanem and sed you were the one they got my s.n from so idk..
someone on AOL imed me and said you gave them my screename idk who it was...commment back-Lex
Hey Kates what's poppin? ural. comment me back