tired of being mommy's toilet?

Feeling: abandoned
my mom is such a slut. i don't understand her what so ever... and because we don't just automatically understand what the hell is bothering her she gets all moody and more pissed off then she was to begin with... sunday my mom was all pissed off for apparently no reason so we all asked what her problem was... monday my brother missed his bus (again) because he is a lazy shit thats can never just get out of bed... so my mom gets all pissed off and tells me if i want a ride to school to hurry my ass up and get into the car immediately... she didn't even bring my brother to school... she just left his ass home all day... then as we're in the car she starts telling me how shes not giving me rides to or from school anymore i need to start getting my own rides... she said she didn't even care with who just get some one who wil do it they don't have to be my friend... i told her that i wasn't going to ask an absolute stanger to start bringing me to school everyday... thats rude... it just doesn't work that way then my mom started explaining carpool like i was a complete idiot and had no idea what she was talking about and i told her she was a dumb ass for thinking a stanger would actually volunteer to bring some random kid to school all the time... then she starts telling me that she wasn't doing it anymore... she wasn't bringing me to school... she wasn't picking me up from schooland she wasn't bringing me anywhere with my friends anymore (like she did to begin with...?) she told me i was a big inconvienience on her schedule and she was tired of being the maid...? the fucking maid...?!?! what the fuck no one asked her to be a maid she just thinks thats what we treat her like... she said it wasn't her job to take care of us and i told her she wasn't quitting on being a maid she was quitting on being a mom... she gave me a really dirty look... but what she was telling me was really pissing me off... i hadn't done anything to her... i got up got ready and got in the car... i hadn't asked her any questions or said anything stupid until she went off on me for no reason... i told her she was making everything seem like she was the victim and she wasn't... and that pissed her off even more... i had work after school and before all this i had assumed she would be taking me... but... so when we got to school i took all my work clothes and told her once she got over herself to let me know if it wasn't to inconvienient for her to bring me to work... slammed the door and she sped off... i was so pissed i was crying... everyone was telling me oh she didn't mean it she was just upset... she was upset with my brother... not me i hadnt done anything... she had no rite to take all her shit out on me like that... and weather she meant it or not you don't tell your child they're to big of an inconvienience for you... you just don't do that... and i was so angry with her... and since shes been pretending like nothing had happened... she was all asking me hw my day was and how i did on my test when she picked me up that day... what the fuck?... i didn't answer her... i jst kept my mouth shut... you don;t tell me shit like that and theh expect to be great friends... it doesn't work like that... I don't work like that... she is so...i don't even know... but it annoys the hell out of me... shes rude to all my friends... nothing i do is ever good enough i always have more to prove and it bothers me so much... my mom is deffinitly not some one you can talk to about anything... we have a very need to know only relationship... and i truly wish it were different... i wanna have a good relationship with at least one of my parents...
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Aww, Tori, I love you, kid.
I'm sorry your mom's a bitch.
If i drove, I would totally come get you. I'm sorry, sweetie.
But if you ever need o hug, or something else slightly lesbianish . . . You know who to call.

hey your not the only one either. my parents do that sometimes too. and it really pisses me off alot. well ttyl. always~erin