I'm sick and Robert sucks!

Listening to: some chinese tune
Feeling: congested
I went to talk to Robert Monday and he told Coko he was out of town. Come to find out today he wasn't out of town he lied. I fuckin' hate people that lie for something stupid like that. It's because he's mad at me for leavin' Friday. I don't really give a fuck though. I'm gonna get a job somewhere else...I hope. Oh well though fuck Robert and his gay self. Don't have a problem with gay people I just don't like him. He sucks. Ben is leavin' in 2 days. I really really don't want him to go. I'm gonna miss him loads. He got a laptop and he's gonna have internet there, but it's not the same. He'll be back I know but I don't want him to go. It's his life though. Not much I can do but miss him. Still haven't talked to Riley. Everyone hates me and doesn't wanna answer the phone. I'll ask Josh where he is or something. I don't write much on here. Don't know why. Seems kinda pointless. Oh well though. School went by quickly today. Happy for that. I was sick and am getting better finally. I still talk funny. It will all be good soon I hope. I'm goin' now. Bye bye.
Read 5 comments
haha yes I thought so too. =)
thanks it's Valencia (philly band) good guys...anyways I cant stand all these kids with these depressing bullshit backgrounds
Chris Caraba! Woohoo!
thanx tons =)
plzz tell me..whos robert?