...brass monkey, that funky monkey...

Feeling: annoyed
Oh how I hate this day so far. I thought I had an employee meeting today at 8:00-ish. Apparently when ye 'ol wonderful Subway was callin' yesterday it was to imform me that is was canceled? Hmmm... So I woke up like 7 minutes 'til 8:00 and was all frekin' out. My brother didn't wake me up to take him to work or where ever the hell he is. That was my plan. He wakes me up I take him there then I go to the meeting then the orthodontist. So anywho I get to Subway...No one is there. I go to the other possible location...No one is there. I come home for a bit then go to the orthodontist. I hate the orthodontist with ever fiber of my being. I don't hate the man, just his line of work. He pretty much told me my teeth are straight but he wants to waste a little more of my time to make it "perfect". How typical that I would have to endure the pain much longer than planned. Wow! I sound like such a crybaby. That was definatly not my intentions. :) I just don't have anything else to do. Now I think my mom is mad cause I said something "cross" to her. Haha. It's like I'm the parent and she's the child. If that were true I would have killed the child by now. I hate her. Been listenin' to my Beastie Boys cd...It's so fuckin' awesome! As expected. I haven't talked to Robby in like 2 or 3 days. I think he might hate me for...Okay I was hoping something would come to me before that part came. Only because I truly don't know why he (or for that matter anyone) would hate me. I haven't done anything to make anyone mad in a while. My mom doesn't count...ever. Haha. I wanna go somewhere. As I always do. It's become a re-occuring comment in this here thingy majig. Then again... Why the hell not? If you do or did live here you would know why. Well I don't know what else to say so I'm gonna go.
Read 5 comments
uhm, i.m flattered by your humorous comment.
i.m actually 16.
you speak of a local band but where are you from?
well anyway, you are sweet, thanks so much.
haha thanks that was funny!
do you have AIM? whats your screen name if you do?
how did you get it on your site so that when you go to click a link or something it lights up in a way?
I saw your title line and I LOVE Brand New =)