Hey I didnt leave you shoutouts because you said you werent going to be on til the 5th..you wouldnt have been able to read them...and I do love you!! so dont think that kay? kay!! You are the greatest guy I know..dont let anyone tell you different!! I LOVE YOU BABE!!

Hey its past the 5th! UPDATE!!!! ROAR!!

update update update!!!
oh, it was national light up day
you totally need to update babe!! hehe i miss reading about your life!! i love you ! miss ya tons!
very hypnotizing heart thing.

i think i will watch it for hours.
hahahaha that was sooo....LOVELY...hehe...
exams suck.. : /
CHRIS CAN GO TO HELL...I LOVE YOU!!hehe i love him too...but you more!! always n forever! yours forever... Tara
haha i dont care if he wants to hear it or not..you've been here w/ me longer then he has so he can kiss my ass!! hehe I LOVE YOU!!!
exams suck! i have them starting soon too:wish you luck,wish me luck :Dtill then,speak soon,kx
ah ur name of ur diary is like the best unseen song every-Melissa
Hey!! What's up? srry I haven't written! Good Luck with exams ! I have exams too. Hey I'll be able to write you a lot more in the summer.
ur exams end in 4 days! if i were u id be excited.... im in school still, my exams haebnt even started, gah
hope they all went well...talk to ya later

4 more days!! I miss you soo much babe!

good luck :)
exams suck lol

have a nice day ttyl

yay an update! a short one.. but hey its good!
oh no thats a long time away...I miss you and love you bunches babe...the best of luck w/ everything!!
