The decision is made

Feeling: alive
In my last entry i was seriously suicidal. Wat is makin me so depressed lately i find it hard2put in2words i wuz readin a book last nyt and i found a passage in it that is as close2how i feel as i can get "Friends who i can talk to and hang out with, just like ive always dreamed, we could talk about books and politics and vandalise at night, want to? Huh? Hey, I can't stop pulling my hair out! Please! God damn, Jesus Fucking Christ Almighty, love me, me, me, we could go on a trial basis, please I don't care if it's the out-of-the-in-crowd, I just need a crowd, a gang, a reason to smile. I won't smother you, ah shit, shit, shit, please, isn't there somebody out there? somebody, anybody, God help, help me please. I want to be accepted. I have to be accepted. I'll wear any kind of close you want! I'm so tired of crying and dreaming, I'm soo soo alone. Isn't there anyone out there? Please help me. HELP ME!" Dat was takin from a journal of a little known rock musician called Kurt(or his alter ego Kurdt)Cobain. Its about as accurate i can get to how i feel. Last nyt a nearly took the plunge. I sed dat "wats the point...Jump. It'll make it all end. it ends here and now. Just take one more step." But i ddnt jump. i stood and stared at that water and my 1st nephew started goin thru my head. "if i jump who can stop him from turnin out exactly how i did? i have 2 b der for him. even if i don't help him den ders plenty of others i can stop goin down d same road as me. I wont b conquered by my fear. der are 2 many peep out there who i may not have met yet but can realy care for me(dat includes u tara!xxx) and if i kill myself if i have a one tru love out der she may end up lik me. i may or may not b able2change my own life... mayb im destined to b alone. but if i can help stop any1person feelin half of wat i feel now ive accomplished my goal in life- To cause a difference and leave a legacy behind." If der is ne1out there who needs2talk bout ANYTHING my email address is
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Hey! Sorry I haven't been around to chat lately! =( It's just been hard to get my hands on a computer. I hope you are doing better and give me and write, okay! =)
ok lol that was unexpected but it made me smile so ya know back 2 you.
where do you live like what country?
x chin up x
ok !! hurry up and go online!
i wonder what the time difference is between where you are and quebec? hmmmm
well i've added you on msn and i hope i'll talk to ya soon
chin up!
hey hun, hope you're ok :)
i'm feeling a little better, let my friends and family know whats up and trying to sort the shit out. it'll take time, always does.
nina xx
well its not taht slutty lol its jsut cuz it makes me feel hott so me feeling hott becomes me acting skanky... etc. lmao
so ya since i jsut was told ho to put individual pics on an entry, its goin up! (its my display pic too actually so ya.... lol)

ps tell me how things are going, is it all jsut the same or is stuff a bit better?
Dont be silly! I'm happy to listen! I know its probably not very helpful because i have never mnet you, or maybe that makes it easier. I can see an objective view and wont be emotional about any of it. Well yeah if you ever need a chat then send me an e-mail. Im usually online because i have no life!
LOl yeh i know i saw it on ur diary :P Thanx, ill add ya to my msn if u want.. speak soon luv me xx
hehe thanks
ok im goinna email u right this second
hehe thanks
ok im goinna email u right this second
Wow, that was scary! its the first time I've been on in a couple of days and to see that was, well a shock! I hope your ok and i'm glad you made the right choice. If you need a chat anytime you know where i am. Thinking of you, jo
No-one is destined to be alone, no-one is alone either becuz of themselves. Everyone meets thats special person at some point in their lives, when in their lives differs from person to person. Trust me in this one i have been there, i am there, But i kno somewhere out there ill find someone who is just like me, my "soulmate" if u believe in that kind of thing, and so will u im sure. Can i add ur addy to my messenger? love me xxxxx
hey kick ass diary...later!

tis very true... but sumone very wise once said "no-one dies a virgin, life fucks us all" so u aint alone babe! trust me ive had sum serious bad shit happen to me.. and i dont think im a bad person? ahh well i might be depends on whos eyes ur lookin through i suppose.
im glad youre not gonna kill urself
if ull believe it i care about you!
ps if u wanna chat on msn just ask for my email k?
i kno everything seems to suck and is really hard but just hold on everyone's here for some reason but u'll never kno ur place if ur not there to live it
Hey! Yeah I am on but I am at school right now... and we can't get yahoo chat or any of that chatting stuff. We can't even us this, but they don't know about this one yet. but I can bet you that next year we will not be able to get on to here.
dude, i've been there, and i wish i would've had the same attitude. i od'd and made it through, but some of the stuff i took really screwed up my heart and liver, so no, i didn't kill myself, but i shortened the time i have here. and it effects people you don't even realize it would. shortly after, one of my friends tried to kill himself too. there's always a reason to go on, whether it be for the future, or right now, i promise there'ssomereason
Hey, everything will be fine. I know what you are going through because I have been there too. I was there last year. I was cutting, and I had started to go back to that this year, but have stopped. We all have our ups and downs, and I am in an up right now, although I lost most of my friends. But they were a bad influence on me soin a way it is a good way.. I am here if you need to talk
very true. Sorry if it sounded like i was pushing my opinions onto u, just dont like the thought of sumone so kind feeling so sad
seriously i felt like that and nearly killed myself. listen there is ways around it dont do it. there is always another option. my AIM address is twistedturning add me if ya want and i'll talk to you... it might help to talk to sumone you dont know!
i hope you see a way out!