fun in the sun

Listening to: give it up
Feeling: better
I had a blast today well yesterday now. I woke up on my own, went to the lake for swimming and babe watching, went running with some friends, then played some pool and fuusball, I then brought a game to my neighbors for the kids to play. They made me play it until I beat it then they played. Talked with chick. She doesn't trust her b/f still, Her sister told her she doesn't think he loves her. Like it isn't obvious enough. I got hit on by a couple of girls at the lake, but I thought they were a little young. I want to go swimming again soon. I also hit my toe on a rock and had to pull half of my toenail off. that hurt a little. I am tired and want sleep so goodnight. leave me a message. later
Read 13 comments
Hey, whats goin on?? I really like your diary, you sound pretty kick ass.... I'm Kittie, I'm going on 19 and live in Indiana....Take a look at my diary if ya want and let me know what ya think... if you have messangers my yahoo and msn are kittie_ryan and my aim is adamsonseva....... hope to talk with you sometime... laters
I thought that too. But things change.
I gave my cat a paper got in the way, so it wasn't entirely my fault.
"that is a damn good question you should ask them. "
-apparently its about money. everything is always about money.

love always,
ooh, Well I was gonna watch it no matter what he said, it still made me mad though =p

I've been better.. Siick ;___; but sooo much better today :D . . . And you? :)
Things are goin good....I had a great weekend filled with alcohol, and marijuana lol! So it was fun! I was super messed up! I didnt remember anything the next morning, so you know you had a blast lol....Ummm other then that Just chillin, smokin....workin....the usual, nothing outa the oridinary....Glad to hear that your havin fun! I'm gonna write about what happend this weekend, and you can read all about it! Till then Take care babe!!

oo, ouch. tough luck with the toe.
Sounds like you had a really awesome day, though, so that's good.

& thannks. I'm sure I'll have an good time. :D
Hey hey.

Sounds like you had fun minus the stubbed toe thing. =P

Glad to see all is well. xD
wait, the girl's name is actually Chick???
ouch that musta hurt
Canada's awesome.
Where are the people you know from?
Half a toenail? ouch....
