Let me just live my life -- && let you live yours

Feeling: bleh
bleh. bleh. bleh. Feeling really mad Moms home =[ I am not feeling the greatest. I failed my science project. I probably failed science. I cant wait to get grounded. Hmm I havent updated in a while. Recap. I can only remember uptil Friday. I went to Val's friday. We went over Henry's. I dumped him. Because i kissed Kylee. and whatever. Saturdayy. I stayed home. Hungout with Laurie, Caleb, Anthony, Kayla, Cody, && thats it. It was really boring. we didnt do anything. Then I went on the tred mill and went into the hot tub =] I wanted to sleepover Val's. But I didnt. whatever. OH OH OH! I finally got my first kiss. Thursdayy. I think? Yey! with kyle =] soo happy. word. sunday. I went over Val's We hungout with henry and my husband. Haha. && henry played guitar. He really bites by the wayyyyyyyy! Ohh yeahh. Sundayy. Caleb kept feeling my leg and everything. It was really gross. haha. He likes Laurie && vanessaa. Its cute<3 LMFAO. anyways. I have to go. I am groundedd right now. I am probably going to grounded for a while. I am going to read now. The Lovely Bones i have no idea why? ^__^ bye ♥
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kids liking kids.
good for you!