break a leg.

Back to school tomorrow. This has been a great weekend though, Friday Got out early for homecoming, game sucked, marching band blew, but ditching the dance and hanging out with my friends till midnight was great. Saturday Mmm sinus congestion. Felt like crap all day. Did some cleaning, went to See You At The Pole Rally... which sucked. 4 hours of being with people I don't know. Sunday Woke up at 10 in the am to go out for Chinese food with my boyfriend to celebrate his 18th birthday. Got some pictures, a notebook, and burnable CD's finally. Overall, it was cool. So now I'm burning a pretty awesome Cd. Blah.
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Sunsets&Car crashes is really good. I like the lyrics to All Hail The Heart/Breaker too.

Haha I was so bored last night and I was taking pictures [its a hobby when I get bored] and I did the "v" one and I was like lets turn this into love. Hahaha.