
ok were to start? well friday i went to my dads house and watched XXX the new one and then vaughn called but we had to go b/c we went to get pizza and it was great i got home called him back and the first thing he said was... " Talk to diamond"... grrrrrrr! i was like no y and he was like she is comin' home today and i was like and how do u kno and he was like i called her house and her mom told me! (i think he likes her) he says he doesn't b/c he doesn't kno what she looks like! w/e! saturday- i went to kelsey's fabulous birthday party! it was a blaste. sunday- we went to old home week at forest city and we went swimming, rock climbing, and me and Treze went in this little kid race thingy and i got stuck! lol it was so funny! then we came home...(to my moms house) and watched miss congeneality 2 or how ever the the hell u spell i t! today- my bro and Treze came over all day and my best granma ever came over and now we are gettin' ready to eat dinner! yummmmm! well, leave me something! ~*KeLi*~
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