
Current location:here
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign:virgo
Your heritage:irish
Your weakness:getting hurt by guys
Your shoes you wore today:white adidas sneakers wit pink laces
Your fears:spiders
Your perfect pizza:mushroom
Goal you'd like to achieve:by myself
Your thoughts first waking up:thank god it's friday
Your best physical feature:hair..idk u tell me
Your bedtime:when ever i feel lyk going
Your most missed memory:don't want to go there!! =(
Pepsi or Coke:pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King:micky D's
Single or group dates:both every now nd then
Adidas or Nike:i love both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:nestea
Chocolate or vanilla:chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee:cappuccino
Cuss:hell yeah!
Take showers daily:yupp!
Have a crush:yea
Think you've been in love:yea
Want to go college:sometime in my life
Want to get married:yes
Believe in yourself:most of the times
Get motion sickness:no
Think you're attractive:not really.. but u tell me..cus idk
Think you're a health freak:not really
Get along with your parents:yeah pretty much
Like thunderstorms:i luv them
Play an instrument:no.. i want to learn how to play drums though
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall:yep
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:yes
Eaten sushi:..never tried it
Been on stage:i think
Gone skating:yes
Made homemade cookies:just a few min. ago
Gone skinny dipping:don't believe so.. (no one to go wit me!)
Dyed your hair:yes lyk half of it it looks pretty sweet!
Stolen anything:nope
Label.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:nope
Been called a tease:nope
Got beaten up:noooo
Age you hoped to be married:by26
Number and name of children:lyk4 in my whole life, umm idk
Dream wedding:on a beach in hawii during the sunset
How do you want to die:idk just not murdered!
Where do you want to attend college:some place in philly
Dream job:designer or lyk photographer
Country you want to visit:germany
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color:blue
Best hair color:blonde, or brown
Short or long hair:short
Height:taller then me lyk 5'10" or 5'111"
Best weight:idk fit.. six pack total plus!
Best clothing:kinda prep but rock it depends
Best first date location:it doesn'y matter.. were eould u take me?
Best first kiss location:were ever as long as it is wit some one i want it to be!
Number of drugs taken illegally:none
Number of people I could trust with my life:4
Number of CDs that I own:lyk 30
Number of piercings:4
Number of tattoos:0
Number of times my name's been in the news:0
Number of scars on my body:11
Number of things in my past that I regret.:3 or 4
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
leave me some hot comments! ROCK ON!! ♥jared♥justin ♥keli how can ppl be such bitches when all uv done is be nice to them alli + megan ur being so mean u don't understand wat ur doin' to her she is the niciest person in the world u make her hurt and she doesn't deserve! all the pain and missery that i've ever heard.. just leave her alone and forget all about her for ur own sake so back the FUCK off before there is a terrible desastor!! Alli + Megan- u two are my friends and i love u but jesse is my friend to and i don't want to see her hurting! i don't want u to hate me cus i'm her friend! but please leave her alone!
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she's my ex...