i miss you

Feeling: stubborn
fairy tales are retarded, all they are is a gay store to get people to think that everything can be great, and that happy endings exist! the only kool fairy tale is the one i wrote.... there once lived a girl, who died b.c she killed herself of a life ruined by snotty stuck up kids who think their better than everyone else... see, thats the way this world really is...no candy coated happyness. just the cold hard truth.people live to put other people down,and thats the end
Read 6 comments
wow you should be a writer! lol, haha I agree though
that's my motto...people suck!!
it's true..fairy tales suck!
an answer to your pop up.. i think we all know whats going to happen next dumbass!
ha ha ha i just old you and you didnt want to know.. oh well!
hi! a long time ago u wrote me a coment and said i sounded cool. i am just now looking at my diary, lol and i wanted to say u sound cool too!