oh sit diary, i haven't forgotten you.

Listening to: smooth jazz.
Feeling: dangerous
even though there is a whopping six people on this website right now. anyway, i just thought i would stop by and see how things were going since i am pretty determinded not to do anything useful here at work. i kinda got depressed cause my last entry was pretty inaccuarte. i haven't started aveda yet. [too poor] i wasn't in the wedding cause it got postponded. [twice] and my brother is getting married on the 26th not the 20th. HOWEVER..i did get the two dates the REALLY matter correct. JULY 13TH AND JULY 21TH!!! don't get it twisted. you bet your boots that i will be in line in my Gryffindor attire waiting to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and to read HARRY POTTR AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. oy. i and i just order my lightning bolt neckless to add to bling to my obsession. i think as those days come closer and closer i will find it more and more difficult to breath. i cannot wait!!
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don't call it a comeback.

time for the yearly check up. upcoming events. my birthday - feb 14th vip tickets to JERRY SPRINGER - feb 20th aveda institute - april 10th (i hope) bridesmade in kate's wedding - april 14th brother's wedding - may 20th OOTP (hp movie five) - july 13th HARRY FUCKING POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS - JULY 21ST!!!!!!!!!! yep. good times.
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Oh man

Listening to: the sound of birds
Feeling: awkward
well its been a while huh.. silly computers and their viruses... a lotta stuff has gone down since my last entry, i dont even remember what my last entry was about really. hum.. well school is out. and i passed algebra II, yay for that... i did pretty good on all of my finals except algebra but that didnt count it on my report card so its cool... i went to the blink concert and it was good times.. i thought it was gonna suck because of certain situations.. but i'm pretty sure i had more fun sitting in lawn than i would have had sitting in the pavillion.. funny how that works huh.. yeah i dont really know what to say about that "certain situation" that was previously mentioned.. i dont really know what happened. two people who i thought were good friends dont talk to me anymore... one person ignores me completely and another i might have said hi to me a month ago but thats about it. i guess people change.. i guess being myself isnt good oenough for some but i dont know what i can do about it.. i dont plan on changing who i am just so people arent pissed off at me anymore. whatever i guess... i'm gonna stop talking now beforer i go on a rampage.. peace
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Yay for Art

Listening to: Brand New
Feeling: colorful
hola! i just got back from my art show and i woudl like to say thanks to all of those who came out to support ((notice how i made that sound i was in some band thanking you for coming to my show.. i noticed)) it was good times :) i had fun, i thought i was just gonna be standing around the whole time, but there was indeed a ton of people and i was quite entertained. yay fun. espeacially when my grandma decides she taking two of my pieces and putting them in her living room.. lol i like it bad times though when people think i'm mad at them when i'm really not (uhm jenny? lol) i just dont like certain situations.. i think a lot of this have been blown way out of proportion.. its kinda crazy.. i wish it wasn't like this. i'll never understand how you can truely go from loving a friend to hating a friend so quickly.. and if you still love them.. i dont know.. i'm not going to continue. laters
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yeah so anti dibs on caring about anything anymore.. guess i just have to worry about stuff that truely matters.. and pick my battles.. i try to help people out make them happy... fix things ect. and it blows up in my face. i love all my friedns individually but put them together and you get a big pot of high school bull crap. i think i am totally desensitised now. i don't care any more!! untill people try to help themselves i'm not gonna try to intervene. like i said to suzie, "i give.. untill people grow up i guess i'm just gonna care less about their relationship untill they get there head out of there [butts] long enough to make grown up decisions..." maybe these are just my feelings in the hate of anger but yeah.. suck.. i have to much going on in my life right now to worry about this crazy, senseless stuff
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What is Happening?

Feeling: rich
so earlier i layed down to take a nap at like 6 pm (give or take a half an hour) ... just because i was unusually tired.. i figureed i'd wake up at like 8 and do some homie.... well obvious i was mistaken cause i just wake up like ten minutes ago and its 12:40.. bastards.. it always seems like the more i sleep the more tired i get.. but maybe i'll be in a really good mood tomorrow.. on accounta i couldnt talk all day ( some kids chose to sign up for an activity in which we wore black ribons and were silent for the entire day to show what it would be like to lose a friend to an alcohol related accident... since prom is firday.) but anyway.. so yeah, i guess not talking all day is kinda tiring.. i guess because i usually talk a lot kinda... as far as joking around or making stupid comments.. and i couldn't today and so a like of hummor was wasted.. blast it! lol i did slip a few times due to my horrible memory... once i said "oh my God" cause these two guys were messin around in class, seeing how hard they could punch, and once it was reeeaallly hard, and i slipped but know one heard me... then someone **cough** (max) was squeezing my neck.. and i said "oh God" (phrase of the day huh) .. then i smacked him really hard and walked off.. dirty dog. and finally .. some of us were really bored and put glue on our hands.. and whilst we were waiting for them to dry i almost said "good times with glue..." .. but midway through "times" i stopped myself.. haha that time i was heard. suck owell.. it hard being dead i guess.. well i'm really cold and i'm loosing intrest in this.. so yeah peace out.. off to continue my sleep-o-thon.. good times with sleep.
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loss of controll

for a long time i've been think that i've been depressed... and sometimes it gets better and sometimes it get worse. the sad thing is that i have so many things that i'm not happy with in my life that i dont know what the trigger is. i think that even if i knew what the main cause of these feelings were.. that i would still have no controll over it.. its not as if my life is quickly passing me by and i can't grab on to fix the problem.... its worse than that, its creeping by and still i have no controll.. and i like i said, i cant really say why exactly i feel like this... i just do. i guess i'm just complaining, it could always be worse. farewell.
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Listening to: Brand New
Feeling: frisky
frisky.. cat.. get it? sweet. hey so after much trial and tribulation i have decided that my kitty shall be the centerfold for that which is my diary. speaking of pets.. i think i am a little more emotionally stable after the loss of rikki. the day after it happened i was watching ER and cried twice.. apparently that show is exremely moving? YAY for palm pilots!! am i right? all the 11th and 12th grade AP english students were lended palm pilots untill the end of the school year. the best part i must say is that it comes with a camera.. (hense the picture of the pretty kitty) i have become very attached to it and i must admit it thrills me to write down every assignment i recieve in my 'memo pad'. i think i might suffer from separtion anxiety when they take it away from me.. maybe i can get a job and buy one... (siiike) yay for self portraits to.. i thought i was gonna suck at the painting part, cause i already rew one, but its been going quite well.. i hope it makes it to the art show.. which your going to... right? ok peaces hos .... sike kinda.. ps "big ups" to the ivy league.. nice job on saturday fellas
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Pur D

Listening to: Brand New
Feeling: accomplished
how udderly exciting... for the longest time i have been ignorant about how to use html codes on this website. but tonight i was determined to find the answers.. and i did!! i went to google.com and typed into to a few key words and i font this random chick's diary on here and turns out her diary is devouted to helping us make our diaries look funno. her username is htmlandgraphix if you wanna check it. i found everything that i wanted.. basically you just have to look for it.. so thanks goes out to "pixie" for creating that awesome diary.. it took me forever to do this crizap so i hope it looks cute!! later
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I'm a Lesbian

Feeling: boyish
thats right its true... i like girls a lot... wow.. dont it feel good to get that of my chest. i'd also like to get off my chest an other thing... APRIL FOOL'S!! siked you you i'm totally not homosexual. i'm just bored.. lol and i thought i'd do something to get my little old mind off of being sad okie dokie bye bye... ps seriously i like boys.
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Bad Times

Listening to: nadda
Feeling: depressed
yo... so since sunday i've been in blooming which was fun times. but looking back i cant really remember what was so good about it. it seems like when something bad happens it seems like the good memories arent so good anymore. yeah so my puppers hasnt been doing so hot lately. shes been having a lot of seizures.. and since sunday shes and a rough times with them. it came to the point to where she at them consecutively for three hours. so today my dad took her to the vet and she was put down. i suppose i cant express enough how much it sucks really. i'll miss her a lot. i am glad that she isnt suffering anymore, it came to the point to where her back legs were working properly. i wish that she could have stuck around a while longer. her fifth birthday was on monday :( well i wish i could see her again but i dont think it will do me good to dwell on it. perhaps some depression will fuel my art work? maybe i'll have a blue period. peace out
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Listening to: Brand New
Feeling: sluggish
aloha! i heart spring break. even if the only place i'm going is bloomington, and i have to draw all week so that my picture will be done in time to turn it in on the 9th for the art show. sooo.. the first day of spring break, kinda rainy, well alotta rainy but i'm not complaining. me and nikki wanted to rent gothica. but of course both movies places we went to were out. so we got the old version of the dawn of the dead.. i gave it a c- and thats if it can turn in some extra credit. hum. well i just fell asleep so if the entry gets a little loopy from here on out.. aint my fault brother. well come to think of it. instead of rambling on about all the hillarious anticks that took place this evening, i think i'm just gonna go cause i'm sofa king tired.. maddie
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Rags and Wishes

Listening to: Saves the Day
Feeling: addicted
so lately me and nicole have been venturing to the southside to partake in coffee indulgences. quite frankly i think that an addiction is starting form... but you know, the combination of ice, coffee, cream, and chocolate is something that isn't easily resisted. i really hope that mr. starbucks ceo decideds to build a shop closer to my home so that i might conserve gas. however i would miss the adventures that are encountered on our coffee runs. dust bunnies at goodwill, my new favorite drive threw attendant.. nick, old ladies that cut you off, the passing off old ladies that cut you off, and, last but definately not least... (so much so that it deserves its own paragraph) ...flying aztecs. you know how in those "bang bang shot 'em up" movies they sometimes have those scenes during a chase where a car speeds over a railroad track or a hill and it goes airborn... well.. i experienced that first hand.. and i have to say, i liked it.. so me and nikki were heading north on emerson.. just past brookville i think (just in case any of you youngsters wanna try it) and the rail road was just ahead and the driver... nikki... said "i wonder what would happen if i sped up".. sooo... we got up to 55 ... hit the bump and went flying... needless to stay we laughed hysterically.. and needed to recoop.. good good times good times was also seeing dawn of the dead.. heehee.. i was surprised it was actually scarey lol..perhaps i'm just pathetic. suck yay for 5 more school days before spring break!!! hip hip to that right? okie doke.. later losers
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Artsy Fartsy

Listening to: the weather man
Feeling: artistic
aloha mi amogios cava? (respect diversity) so like a week or two ago my art teacher gave me this thing about being in an art exhibition that my school is having.. so i go to the meeting to check out the situation, and i think i'm quite excited. the kids whose paintings/sculpture things that are going to be in it are the one that are putting it together, so we are all in commities, i'm in invitations. it was sweet cause we got to come up with a name for the thing.. once again with some of my creative genius and a little bit of help from my teacher we came up with "Pallet and Wheel; the Media of Change" get it? color pallet, potters wheel, and media (the stuff an artist uses to create his work) as in paint, charcole, ect,. its a good one, and if you dont understand it just take my word for it. i have decided to turn in my self portraits (both the drawn a painted ones if i can finish them in time) , a picture of jenny (still a work in progress), my first water color, and i'm gonna recreat my fav. picture that was stollen by some bastard at school :( !!! so hopefully i get everything completed in time. so opening nite is april 28 3:30 warren central highschool (in the library i think) be there or be gay ... later fellas
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holy crap

Feeling: baffled
wowzers ... i am such a slacker its been quite a long time since i last wrote an entry in here.. sucks for me huh.. i dont even know where to begin.. well, lets i guess i'll just name some exciting things that i can remember since my last entry.. humm... well you got my suprise party :) that was good times :) thanks to all that came lol i'm sure i've been to a few ivy league shows since then haha. member that one when singers think i touch the rears, and punish me by sticking the mic in my face, repeatedly. what else? we went to china buffet and jenny tooted.. haha it was an extreme good one. the day after that i wentto bloomington and wong over 45 dollars playing poker... sweeett.. wanna hear something funny? when we in bloomington my cousin (shes about 4) was digging at her underpants... and her reasoning was that she had to "get the hair out" ... i think my entire family wet their pants. (o.O) so tomorrow is my dads birthday and i'm gonna get him a frank zappa cd.. apparently hes a fan ..ha .. i guess speaking of tomorrow, i heart staff developement days!!!!! i suck.. later
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Feeling: resentful
hey kids .. so its been i while.. cha.. shall i update you and a quick-like fashion? okay last saturday me cayla kelly and jessica went to a pottery place and we had a lot of fun :) i made a chopstic k bowl, it was intense and the manager had a stuffed monkey who liked those candy orange skice thing but since he couldnt eat them the guy ate them for him. then we went to steak an shake.. which was quite yummy and where cayla was disgusted that those steak n shake sons of mothers had the nerve to put "coffee in a mug" instead of coffee...lol.. then i went to school for five days and it was a not so good one then. cept for kelly and lena got me a rose, elena got me a heart shaped potatoe, and sue a fun card. then friday night me and suzie we to nikkis and we all entertained ourselves by watching radio... which is a total good one :) after getting my roos and my awesome purse from mama and papa, me cayla ryan kelly and max went to karma where we bought BLINK! tickets for 57 freaking dollars. we also picked up our pottery. and went to ritters... later saturday night ma famille went to bucca de beppo and had our selves a grand ole time. (also we played poker that night and i won 7 bucks!) and my brother got me a sweet @$$ record player!!! its robins egg blue and it looks like it the 1950's vomitted it right up!! i loooove it! and i love joe for getting it for me.. thanks bro. well now that i'm all caught up my next entry shall be bouts my surprise party!!!!
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Kidney chat

Listening to: blow dryer
Feeling: burned-out
hey so so it been a bit.. i suppose theres alot to say but i'm gonna keep it to the important stuff.. well nikki's surgury went well which is really awesome. her and her mom, as of an hour ago, are in good spirits but they're in a lot of pain. which is to be expected. although shes hopped up on morphine nikki is still herself.. she enjoys sleeping, throwing ice, sleeping, pressing the morphine button, and going to the potty with out going to the potty room, good times. well not really good times, it sucks to see a friend in pain knowing the only thing you can do it tell her when she can push the "morphine button" again. but they're strong and things can only go up.. so now all we have to do is wait till things are back to normal :) holla at ya boy sike
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what good are titles?

Feeling: torn
just got back from the ivy league show... it's amazing how exausting standing around for four hours is.. really wipes a feller out.. boy howdy i'm beat.. but enough about me.. ivy league was aawweessoommee... so awesome, in fact, that i had to double all the letters in that first awesome up there.. if that tells you anything. it was cool cause there was a crazy amount of people there and they put on a choice performence.. congrats fellas. flowers for leslie were cool too. they had a fun lead singer and an attractive drummer so thats always good.. am i right? ok well i have a feeling i'm .... uh... i forget what i was gonna say... ok later kids... oh yeah and a shout out to my friend gary on accounta hes weird and wanted me to mention him in my diary...? peace
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After thoughts...

Listening to: Juliana Theory
Feeling: glittery
hello friend(s) so last night was quite an interesting one indeed... i begged miss suzie que to accompany me to down on hayley, which cool of her to go. we both wanted to go to support nikki on her last down on hayley concert before her transplant.. perhaps ever on accounta mike leaving the band.. but when they find a replacement i'm sure she'll go support. well the events of the night went as such.. me and suzie went to wendy's and on our way to the bathroom we saw the doh boys which was in fact was quite akward.. so we quickened our pace. then we mosied on over to the venu where we met up with nikki, jenny, cayla, and ryan. then this screamo band came on and me and suzie weren't feeling their style but their bassist was cool and jenny was highly attracted to the guitarist... so if you didnt listen to them, they werent that bad lol.. next me and suzie decided to exit the building for the next band. at the gas station we got our fill of candy and cappicino (yeah dunno how to spell that) and geesh.. i mean you'd think we like sat in the car for ever because of how long we were gone but i swear they had some crazy long lines ::cough::... no joke. during down on hayley it got a bit loud for our little ears so we took some breaks here and there. when we did go back inside, jenny was going crazy as usual and suzie took ten minutes to decide on which shirt to buy from the nice screamo band lol. ooohhhh but the best part, for two reasons, was when doh was done, one of thoses reasons being there was a fight.. quite intense.. i feared for mine and suzie's lives (o.O) well thats about it for last night... now i must wait and see if my parents will let me go to the Ivy League show tonight.. hope so later
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