Artsy Fartsy

Listening to: the weather man
Feeling: artistic
aloha mi amogios cava? (respect diversity) so like a week or two ago my art teacher gave me this thing about being in an art exhibition that my school is having.. so i go to the meeting to check out the situation, and i think i'm quite excited. the kids whose paintings/sculpture things that are going to be in it are the one that are putting it together, so we are all in commities, i'm in invitations. it was sweet cause we got to come up with a name for the thing.. once again with some of my creative genius and a little bit of help from my teacher we came up with "Pallet and Wheel; the Media of Change" get it? color pallet, potters wheel, and media (the stuff an artist uses to create his work) as in paint, charcole, ect,. its a good one, and if you dont understand it just take my word for it. i have decided to turn in my self portraits (both the drawn a painted ones if i can finish them in time) , a picture of jenny (still a work in progress), my first water color, and i'm gonna recreat my fav. picture that was stollen by some bastard at school :( !!! so hopefully i get everything completed in time. so opening nite is april 28 3:30 warren central highschool (in the library i think) be there or be gay ... later fellas
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