Alan is stupid:D

Listening to: nothing..:(
Feeling: accomplished
so yes. this is alan's diary in its finished state:) he still hasn't written an entry. but I'm sure he will eventually:P his diary's definitely not as cool as mine.. but whatever ((my diary is liquidorice924 if you wanna check that bitch out)) anywho. the popup thing about getting your head cut off for masturbating. there's actually a law in indonesia that you get decapitated for masturbation.. but the reason I put it there is kind of an inside joke:P haha anywho I'ma let this be done:) I'm quite proud of it:) haha and oh yeah. the tbs thing in the top left hand corner. he doesn't listen to tbs. if you said tbs to him he wouldn't know what it stood for.. so really that's just my little signature thing:P au revoir ((I hate french class:D)) < 3Kat21:P AKA Kathereine:P AKA Katherine ..AKA ME!:D
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