
Listening to: Luda
Feeling: twisted
ERIN! WE FINALLY GOT RID OF THAT DUMB FUCK LARISSA! She was always like, oh I am not going to do this anymore, but she always did... How funny little ones can be. Anyhow, yes Erin, we had sex, and now you are pregnant.... Then she calls me gay, so really that insult meant nothing whatsoever! B/c if I am gay then how can I get you pregnant.!?! yes, she really knows what she is talking about. I bet she is the best actor they have.... YEAH! so anyways, we got rid of her, and that is all that matters. The cast party was awesome. "Turn off the mother fucking light!" =P The sun is comming up! Yes, that is why we are going to bed. "Why are both the Erins laughing uncontrollably? I dont know, must be an Erin thing...." Rise and shine! OMG! RONNIE! HOW DID YOU GET IN MY BROTHERS BED! You missed the talk show this morning after everyone left, Erin and I had our own talk show and we discussed things with our guest speakers on the show, but it would have been better if it were the Alan and the Two Erin's talk show! P.S. Larissa, my parents do know now... and guess what, they dont care.... awwww, isnt that sweet... BITCH! I love you Erin! Love the rest of Ya's too. Alan.
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- Cleo
ur are reatarted for what u said to larissa get a life!!!
hello alan,

it has been a long day and i was wondering how the surgery went. i mean, you being a white woman in america and all. and after u asked doc. hamlet to make ur nose job be like gwenth peltrow and than u got off the fucking surgery table looking like freakin shrek! how hard 4 u! u suck u dyke! larissa rulz! u suck dick!

-someone who is betta than u
who the fuck do u think u r.u r probably just a freakin asshole that spends ur time masterbating because thats ur only friend.larissa is not a dumbfuck and i think u r.ur just a gayass and u can go suck a dick.u can suck my cats if u want cause it is the same size as urs!! u hear me. leave my friends alone or i will hire a hitman.=)