just like everyone else i guess...

i know how many times have you heared that ohhh i don't have a life no friends, and all that other shit...well i guess i fall into that stuff now...i don't really have a life and if you know me even at least a little bit i don't and can't do anything which sux...i'am a sixteen year old GUY and i don't do anything...I don't get in trouble, DRINK, SMOKE WEED, and pretty much nothing else a teen should be doing at this time of his/her life. I dont even have anyone to talk to except for one person and you know who you are (Marissa) my love....but still i should have some other friends to talk to you know...and i know you've heared all this in pretty much everyones diary....
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it sucks. i know.

I am sorry that i am the only one that is there for you. I wish you had more people to go to.

I love you though.. and i can assure you that i am not going anywhere. You will always have me.

i miss you.


ps - that was me.

