
Feeling: abandoned
yeah!!!. strike three for me!.when i THINK things are going right they really arent or they end up getting shitty. i dont know it really worth it? i didnt get too attached this time but it still hurts real fuckn bad. i thought this time was different..haha SHIT was i wrong. i pick the worst times for the best lines. i think im a professional failure with girls. if anyone can prove me wrong i'd love to hear reasons.mhm.yeah. i need to stop caring so much and start being stupid like every other guy. seems to me like girls dont like nice guys..its all about assholes these days. it really does suck..and its depressing. i went running today with my sister. that was get away from everything and just run.i'd say the highlight of my day was a random girl saying that i had a gorgeous face...if it wasnt for her i'd be real shitty. god im soo cool. goodnight<3
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AH OHHH EMMM GEEE....ray status!! dont do it!!
hm yeah..assholes?? NO all about the sweet my blog to u fool
Oh yeah, I also wanted to add that I was not trying to act like some pseudo cliche hardcore kid.

I hate the female population as women, but girls are sadistic as fuck. (That could be said equally for men/boys, but girls exponentially portray it better.) They'll figure out what they want as soon as you do. Really, no one cares and you should buy an electric quitar to start a numetal band.

Good Luck, man.
your cute and so cool, so shutup.