(24) to make words move

ok...alot of people ask me how to get my name and entry titles to move...so here are some instructions cuz comment things just don't giv me enough room: to get ur name to move: when u are typin' ur name type < marquee>(without the space between < and m) b4 u actually type out ur name example :my name would look like this--> < marquee>KrIsTiN (without the space between < and m) to get ur entry titles to move: when u r typin' ur entry title u type (without the space b4 >) b4 u actually type ur title name example :if i wanted the title of this entry to move it would look like this--> (24)(without the space between > and (24) if u hav any questions just ask me
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Nice bakrground.. lol its... spunky.. It was u who signed it annonymously bc i requestd lyrics on ur diary. ill send ya the code
window.status=('YOUR TEXT HERE')

take the space out of the arrows that are pointing to the right ( < ) like that