i dont know anymore...

Feeling: uncertain
Well i dont know i am like punishing myself for something he did.. i dont feel like going anywhere or anything.. i went to my cousins house last night and i came home today because it didnt feel right that i was out having fun and laughing while deep down inside i am so miserable... it bothers me so badly.. i really like him and i would do anything in the world for him and i just wish he knew that i hate his g/f besides the fact and cant stand her she is nasty and ugly and i wish i knew what she had over me i really did. And then his cousin is calling me up and saying all this shit about Cory telling me that he is at his g/fs house and all this other shit that they had sex and just all this stuff it makes me want to punch him in the face and beat the shit out of him.. i just wish i knew where i was going with all of this i wanna know why he had to lie to me about it all why couldnt he just of stayed with her and left me alone.. but the most stupid part out of everything is this is like the third time he has hurt me and if he was to come to me anytime soon and ask me to be with him again i would fall for it... and if you know the song Lovers and Friends-lil john and the eastside boys... that is the song he dedicated to me the night we came back from the fair that was in town..
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Hey, I read your entry and like i am sorry. i know like sorry's don't really help but like that situation sucks and i know how u feel [u likin him and not his g/f and such] so yeah..i hope it gets better and everything.
btw: i am added you because i noticed u added me so yeah. feel free to comment and i'm here for you if you need to talk or anything
yupp no problem. yeah i found that quote and i have alot more about like friendships ending and such. i like quotes i'ma freak like that
JESS! I LOVE YOU!! DON'T FORGET THAT ur my sister im always here for ya!!! no matter what!!

hey whats been goin on with u and alicia...shes really frieakin pissed..im me on aol
yeah...i have both.
AIM: fakelyemotioned
YIM [i unno the s/n things but this is my email]: xxbroken_wordsxx@sbcglobal.net
hey im glad were okay again..i really missed you...i have noone to tell anything..shit drives me crazy..im halways here for ya....
im really sorry for evrything..i love you