numb... my lips... their numb

Listening to: fatty\'s pa\'s t.v.
Feeling: high
hmm... I'm bored, but not too bored. I kinda feel bad for never posting, but htem again, I've been too addicted to Diablo II to remmeber little details like those in my life. **edit** no, i don't feel bad. i feel like less of a bitch ;) **end edit** HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Laughing makes you see better... trust me!! ** Just to clarify, I don't really eat my own to poop **
Read 4 comments
when you're on the Diablo II you have no life to remember chris. its all about the Diablo II. Thinking of what weapons you want and how many health potions you've got left while your palidin is dying in the catacombs.
tried to call you on sundat, but you were a fatty-d's. your mom sounded kinda pissed. i dunno. you got my number. gimme a call
Hola, this is Ellen. THE FIRST PERSON [Who, yes, moved from Houghton Lake] TO HAVE A SD. [Check my dates on deathendreams]--do any of the other sD's date that far back? BITCH, NO! Yeah. Shortly to follow was Lindsie Christensen, then Ashlee Lewis & Nicole St. Denis, then later it moved on to Kristy Reichelderfer and then everyone from Roscommon and Houghton Lake, then Mississippi, Utah, Oklahoma and so on and so forth. :) Well, yea. Add me!
hey, i'm one of those sad people that has had this fucker for like 3 years now.

wait, damnit