quiz thing

Listening to: here without you
Feeling: bonkers
As I started taking this quiz, I realized that it was dumb, just like every other quiz I take. Therefore, none of my answers are correct. They are just there. if i were a month, i'd be: August if i were a day of the week i'd be: Saturday if i were a time of day, i'd be: 12:00 am if i were a planet, i'd be: Uranus if i were a animal, i'd be: A spider if i were a direction, i'd be: North if i were a piece of furniture, i'd be: a bed if i were a historical figure, i'd be: Michael Jackson if i were a liquid, i'd be: Pepto Bismol if i were a tree, i'd be: Ash if i were a bird, i'd be: A blue footed booby if i were a tool, i'd be: Screwdriver or Sledge hammer if i were a flower/plant, i'd be: Marijuana if i were a kind of weather, i'd be: Lightning if i were a mythical creature, i'd be: leprechan if i were a musical instrument, i'd be: A cello if i were an wild animal, i'd be: Bigfoot if i were a color, i'd be: Macaroni and Cheese if i were an emotion, i'd be: psychotic if i were a vegetable, i'd be: A cucumber if i were a sound, i'd be: A train, woot woot! if i were an element, i'd be: wind (I blow ;) ) (this was the girl in front of me's response) if i were a car, i'd be: a herse (also the girl in front of me) if i were a song, i'd be: Fantasy if i were a movie, i'd be: Jackass if i were a food, i'd be: LICORICE!! if i were a place, i'd be: the moon if i were a material, i'd be: Egyptian Cotton (no man can resist it) if i were a taste, i'd be: sweet if i were a scent, i'd be: cotton candy if i were a word, i'd be: deflower (also the girl in front of me) if i were an object, i'd be: a maschetti if i were a body part, i'd be: PENIS!!! if i were a facial expression, i'd be: smile if i were a subject in school, i'd be: detention if i were a cartoon character, i'd be: Yosemity Sam if i were a shape, i'd be a: hourglass if i were a number, i'd be: 69 (wink) if i were an article of clothing, i'd be: a bra (i offer a lot of support, of course)
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