Out of The box

Out of the box, yep... that is such an interesting Title isnt it? haha well anyways...now that i got your attention... School school school dontr screw up or mama gonna put you in home schooling, thats right moms been thinking about hoeschooling a lot and shes trying to convince my dad its a good idea, but you see...ITS NOT!..shes already planning on doing it for my brother and sister..i hope shes not planning on dragging me in that, i mean im already a jr might as well let finish in the school right? Yeah my Dad totally disagress *SCORe* hes saying that we need to get out and go see the world like it is instead of being inside the house hiding..w00t for Papa! Then he went on with the "when i was your age..." yeah Dad had it pretty bad..i mean c'bon he was in Mexico and living in a farm with a harsh dad, said he got up every morning @ 4:30, fed the cattle and milked em and headed for school on foot, came back and did the same thing...yadda yadda theres a lot more to it, then we started talking about swimming for some reason twas good family time :3! Today, very windy hair went everywhere but hey its always messed up one way or another so i cant complain haha...Berto had a bag of green feathers for some reason and wes trie to some how saftey pin one to himself..haha they flew away one by one XD, lunch i became "watalie" and we replaced everones name with a "w"...cept for wes..cuz hes leslie haha anyways yeah thats about it... gonna go out and ride my pocket bike now w00t! Laters!
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You know what, she may do as she pleases, i'm angry oVo, now i'm fer shizzle i won't be back at Paloma, i'm going to Lake Elsinore oVo
You know what, she may do as she pleases, i'm angry oVo, now i'm fer shizzle i won't be back at Paloma, i'm going to Lake Elsinore oVo