Check In

Listening to: Wely Carter-Metalness
Feeling: content
So it's te time of lent again, yay! No one would be grumpy about giving something up. It feels like an experiance to me. This year I gave up chatting on all my instant messengers and eating meat. Chatting online makes me procrastinate my work, and its one of the only things i do online. Eating meat, well, it is a luxury for people that cant afford meat, and ima try it to get their point of veiw. However sometimes I feel that I'm only giving up meat for myself, i gotta stop that cuz thats not the reason why im doing it. All is for God and hoping that this will bring me closer to Him. Progress reports came in. I was so happy, for some reason I wasn't scared at all. I got my higest GPA out of all my high school years, a 2.800. Pathetic? Not for me! I was actually trying, no no I was DOING it. I came to realize, I always say i will TRY harder, I will try to study more. When really, it's not a matter of trying, its more of a "I'm GOING to DO it" thing. You have to actually study, not try and study. You have to DO the work, not try and do the work. Trying only leaves you in the same place, and you can easily get distracted, but thats just my opinion. Track is going okie, I give it my all out there. I try not to push myself, but for some reason, It feels good, I feel relieved, and I forget about everything I was worrying about. Hahaha. I do the hurtles, theres only about 6 girls, at times I feel out of the loop, but I really dont care. I have a friend, Dianis, shes funny, she helps me get it right. The hurtles can be so addicting, sometimes I just want to stay there and practice till my legs die out er something. They are very, enjoyable. Hmm, what esle...we're raising money to bring Berto back for Facedown Fest. Gawd I hope we make enough. All I got so far is 10 bucks, plus a 20 my friend Edgar is giving me, for writting our stupid essay. lol. I talked to Kaylee last weekend, I was so excited, we had so much to talk about hahaha, Shes so funny, She was telling us about her school, omg, it was hilarious. I love her to death. Yeah im done. Good night.
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great job on the 2.8! proud o' you Mami!!! ^_^
lol, well, i'm going to beat you.