Read it - - its weird

Listening to: yellow :]
Feeling: aggressive
*THIS or THAT* x. pink/red: red x. orange/yellow: orange x. blue/green: blue x. white/black: black x. VHS/DVD: both x. tv/movie: both x. The OC/Summerland: neither x. Spongebob/Patrick:patrick x. Saw/The Grudge: both ? x. National Treasure/Peter Pan: ppst ! peter pan assholes ;-] x. soda/juice: juice x. pizza/tacos: pizza x. Dominoes/Pizza Hut: pizza hut x. Coke/Pepsi: either one x. Sprite/Mountain Dew: sprite x. pop/punk: mix of both count ? x. rock/rap: rock x. country/rock: both x. Green Day/Britney Spears: green day x. Good Charlotte/Eminem: good charlotte x. ice pops/ice cream: ice cream x. chocolate/vanilla: both x. strawberry/mint chocolate chip: strawberry x. soft serve/hard ice cream: soft x. computer/television: computer x. phone/instant messenging:IM x. AIM/AOL: AIM x. McDonald's/Burger King: i like both x. Tropicana/Florida Natural: tropicana b/c the name is cooler and i dont like orange juice x. Queen/Friendly's: friendlys x. TGI Friday's/Olive Garden: olive garden x. Cell Phone/No Phone: cell phone x. Movies/Chill at home: depends on the mood x. boy/girl friend/single: boyfriend x. one floor house/multiple floor house: multiple floors x. crayons/colored pencils: colored pencils x. colored pencils/markers: colored pencils x. pen/pencil: both x. school/work: well i wanna be smart and have money so both x. small bedroom/large bedroom: BIG bedroom x. twin bed/double bed: double x. makeup/no makeup: none im not fake x. vegetables/meat: both x. chicken/steak: steak x. pork/turkey: ehh dont really kno x. restaurant/home-cooked meal: both x. spinach/carrots: love em both x. cd's/radio: both x. college/no college: college hopefully Penn State x. sing/dance: i prefer both to make myself look retarded x. basketball/baseball: both and all other sports x. soccer/hockey: soccer x. field hockey/basketball: field hockey !!!!! even thought i like basket ball what sport dont i like ? [[golf]] x. surf/skate:skate x. ski/snowboard: snowboard durrr x. snowboard/surf: snowboard x. jeans/sweatpants: both x. hoodie/t-shirt: both x. Hollister/O'Neill: hollister x. Center City Sports/Journeys: both &NAMES 1). YOUR PORN STAR NAME - (NAME OF FIRST PET + STREET YOU LIVE ON): Pinkie Russell 2). YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME - (GRANDMOTHER'S FIRST NAME + FAVORITE SNACK FOOD): Gayle Hotpockets 3). YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME - (FIRST WORD YOU SEE ON YOUR LEFT + FAVORITE RESTAURANT): Start Perkins 4). YOUR FORIEGN NAME - (FAVORITE SPICE GIRL + LAST VACATION SPOT): Sporty Ontario 5). YOUR SOCIALITE NAME - (SILLIEST NICKNAME + FIRST TOWN WHERE YOU PARTIED HARD): Curser Beachlake 6). YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME - (FIRST INITIAL + FIRST THREE LETTERS OF YOUR LAST NAME): B Cot 7). YOUR DETECTIVE NAME - (FAVORITE ANIMAL + NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL): Bear Honesdale High 8). YOUR BARFLY NAME - (LAST SNACK FOOD YOU ATE + YOUR FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK): Krumpetcake [[Deckuper Peachtree Schnaps]] 9). YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME - (MIDDLE NAME + STREET WHERE YOU FIRST LIVED): Marie Honesdale 10). YOUR ROCKSTAR NAME - (FAVORITE CANDY + FAVORITE MUSICIAN'S LAST NAME): Kit-Kat Lewis 11). YOUR "POPULAR" NAME - (FAVORITE CELEBRITY'S FIRST NAME + BEST FRIEND'S STREET NAME): Vin Dunn 12). YOUR OPPOSITE SEX NAME - (NAME OF [OPPOSITE SEX] FRIEND + CELL PHONE COMPANY YOU USE): Sean AT&T / Cingular
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