TiReD !

Listening to: me getting yelled at
Feeling: torn
hummm friday after my sister got the baby taken care of everyone went home for a nap and after that i went to dunkin donuts with mike and kenny and treze got off work and we were supposed to hang out but didnt .. then well i went shopping for school clothes with mike and kenny what a trip .. went to eat and i keep getting realyl sick for somereason ehh im getting kinda used to it then yesterday ..i really dont remember what i did yesterday ,, shit haha thats bad ooooh yeahhh boby dropped some stuff off here ya know that whole later break up thing :-[ keli was here haha soo funny we had a boxing fight with oven mittens haha LEMME COOK YOUR BISCUTS ! omg it was great hung out with treze kel randy and ken well today i had hockey practice for the first day... wow .. knees are still realyl shitty .. then came home and took a nap and the baby came home from the hospital and so sis my sister so it was a bit hectic around here and my g-mama came and then .. shittt ...... i've just been getting yelled about alot for nothing ... no1 understand how t is over here right now its just ahh !.. im outa comment please?
Read 6 comments
why did we lose our friends list?
i don't think they will come back! lol that sucks!
YOU DO, sucka!

Soon, I'm going to delete ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS. OoooooooooOoooh, scary.

That's right, kids. Sometime soon tonight, I'm going to delete everyone's friend tables all in the name of a better and more flexible sitDiary.

So get ready to add a whole new set of friends.

Now, you'll be able to see who has added you as a friend and vice versa and everywhere in between. AKA 'Friends', 'Friend of', 'Mutual Friends'
thats what happened the guy in charg of this thing did it! grrrrr
kate we go back to school the 29th right!!!!!!
Yankees. wow there petty cool.