
Feeling: happy
I woke up this morning...next to my man....I feel sooooo much better now....im glad i didnt do anything stupid last night. I guess i just needed to sleep....plus i was all fucked up so im sure i over-reacted myslef too. So everything is cool now.....Thanks to all the people who dont even know me for caring. I love him sooo much! -Danielle- -ibleedalone-
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wow i am soo dumb

rename it to say My_background

i misspelled background...
try it again...
Oh, dear. I'm so happy things got better between you two.

Waking up next to him was certainly a reality check, wasn't it? I think it would be. You know, "Do I want to wake up next to him again?" kind of thing.

Take care, and you're added.
