Oh my gosh I love your diary and you have really good taste in icons and stuff! Some people have the lamest icons and it's like, Get off the internet you stupid idiot! But you rock, I'm glad you're on my friends list. You can add me if you would like.
I especailly like the love/breakup ones and the funny icons. :)
Thanks for having good taaste in icons and a rockin diary!
hey! this is a really cool thing u are doing! i have been looking for icons for like ever! lol so Thanks! they rock!
these are awsome thanks can you make one for the name TIFFANY thanks hun ttyl :)
Thank you so much!!! If you could... maybe make me a sparkle thing that says Caroln'Todd I'm not sure if you make em or not... thanks again!!!
I like the rockstar thing.
i l0ve ur ic0ns they are cute
oOoOo... prettiful...
heyy i dont need mean too BUG you ;; but doo you kno what the code is too change your font color ,, well if u doo PLZ commet back .. by the way your icons are realy realy good

much ♥

Hey, I love the star thing that you did with your diary...IT'S ADORABLE!!

You should get some animated icons.Like dancing or something, funny things!