
Feeling: sane
Im alittle sad, alot sad, really sad. Its a quiet kinda sadness. Im not in the mood to talk. I just want to sit and be quiet. I do not want to sit alone though. I want to sit with someone If this was a movie I would be sitting on a window sill with a blue blanket with a book opened in my lap. I wouldnt be reading though, id just be staring out the window. It would be raining I almost cried...not because of the stupid sad image in my head... No one gives a shit as long as we smile. Heres a big FYI for all you people with dicks out there, just because you have one doesnt give you the right to give girls advice on boys. and questions like 'he likes me i dont know what to do?' type of questions dont count as REAL questions, okay they are not REAL problems. Fight a girl with a REAL problem and then try to solve it, which i highly doubt you could I am so mad right now, what gives him the right... I might make my journal 'friends' only
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It came out this September.

There are 100's of CD's I want too. :P
Yes, it's a good CD (: