i got what i wanted

wow... totally off from what i was going to say, but my background and all that is REALLY irritating! imma fix that as soon as i'm done here. the green can stay, but the red has got to go, maybe black. any ways, bcak on topic. I really wanted someone to like me, and i got what i wanted, just not.... i dont know, just not the someone I WANT it to be. I mean i know i sound like a brat and a bitch, but it's Max Wright and yeah. I love him as a friend, he's a really great person and all, but I just dont feel anything more then friendship for him. God this is going to sound awful, but I hope with everything i've got that he doesn't ask me out, cuz then I'll have to say "no". I've learned my lesson about dating someone and waiting on someone else. It NEVER turns out good in the end. On a MUCH more happy note, after school in bio was fun today. Kyle and I disected the frog (it wasn't that bad) and a bunch of people were in the lab. we were listening to the new Chilie Pepper's cd on Philip's speaker things. IT was awsome! hopefully someone will let me borrow their copy so i dont have to buy my own, but maybe i will get my own, just so that i have it. *sorry sie about the next thing i say, actually sorry everyone, i'm being absessive* but Logan and Minoka were doing their disection across from us and sid and dominic were diagonally from us. It was FUN!!! disecting animals and telling them all how to disect a nasty smelling fish and joking around w/ them all. I was just really happy and i dont know what feeling it was, but it felt GREAT!!!! well i've got more homework and crap to do. Lots of love, ~Kae~
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