Pill whore ♥

Listening to: Shakira - La Tortura
Feeling: sore
Random thought: People that repost gay ass chain mails need to have a cigarette put out in their eyes. I'm glad JB is away from here. Here's a few reasons why. [1] He ruined my weekend. [2] The Sara girl calling every five min. makes me hate his ring tone. [3] He fucked Camille, and I had the pleasure to see titty sucking. Thank God I was drunk. [4] He frustrated me. [5] He walked away when I clearly stated "if you walk away, I'm not talking to you anymore." You want to get with me bitch, don't be hooking up with fat chicks. Makes you look lame. Tonight I had a good time hanging out with B-Tard. We hit up the Hacienda, and went to his house, where I made him clean his room. B-Tard also told me shit that JB said. I don't know what to think. JB is looking desperate in my eyes, and I don't have time for desperate people. I haven't had one problem with JB until now. Also his grandmothers pills went missing. Oxycotten. Which she tried to blame me for. Which also makes me wonder...did JB do it? I'm going to pry it out of him. Until then, who knows what's up with him. Also I'm wondering...WHY DIDN'T THAT BITCH SHARE? I hope my one group of friends can get their act together...or no more Wed. hang outs for me. Sluts.
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well if u lose ur wednesdays me sowy.... but the weekends r still available :) and i dunno ima just let some things get untangled a bit
holy shit, well said. yeah, i wonder if jb will admit it to me or not.... if he does, well... haha, sucks to be him. yah, wed needs to reform and get its act together and everyone not be anal about omg katie or omg i wanna go here not there...there is a suggestion box no? cant it wait till next week? yes? fun shit happens around here and we label it drama. so much drama it could kill a dragon. oh well,enough ranting.i like how you wrote it