
So yesterday was interesting. Now Im grounded! But whatever, its not like horrible. My sister ruined my break and this really sucks so yeahh... Well todays the last day of break so Im hoping me mum will take me to the mall for a bit... Im so sad about everthing right now, I dont know why. Plus Katie had like the shitiest day of her life yesterday cuz of this total bitch that like ruined everything for her!! Ugh. This is all so upsetting, im gunna go eat some food.
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ohh.. no i meant i didnt get what you meant by each letter of their name has to do with nsync in some way? it really doesnt matter if you listen to them a lot.. whatever floats your canoe?!
sure no problem! i went to paris, cant you tell by all the pictures like the eiffle tower and the lourve?? lol jk it was a lot of fun!

heyy lol yea it was so much fun! i went with my sisters and my grandma, but one of my sisters boyfriend lives in paris for a year beacuse hes studying there so we went and visited him, he was with us the whole time showing us around
i like all the pics you have!

hey...umm. I got the music at go under music and copy the code...there isn*t any words but...yea...:)